• Editorial Weekly Roundup - March 25, 2024

    Moscow Attack: Don’T Believe The Kremlin Tragedy In Munich
    Garry Kasparov for The Wall Street Journal News Wire Article published in the Red Bank Register
    March 24, 2024 September 7, 1972
        Friday’s terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall concert venue near Moscow killed more than 100 people in a brutal crime against humanity. Many key facts are still unclear and rest assured they will become only less clear as the Kremlin works to exploit the crisis domestically and abroad. Coming shortly after his latest sham election the attack gave dictator Vladimir Putin a rallying cry one day after the Kremlin declared for the first time that Russia is in a “state of war” in Ukraine. …

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        Insane terror was how Israel’s Premier Golda Meir described it. Reprehensible and outrageous said U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield. Barbaric action were the words of U.S. Senate Minority Leader Hugh Scott. International outlaws of the worst sort said the President of the United States. That’s a sampling of some of the reactions to the murders that started in the Israeli building in Olympic Village in Munich Germany; that have shocked the world. They occurred because Arab guerrillas unsuccessfully tried to abduct the entire Israeli team. The flags of more than 120 nations flying there in a plaza dedicated to peace among sportsmen are at half-mast. It truly is a time for mourning. This terrifying incident can only fan the flames that are ever present in the Middle East but it should serve as a warning to the world’s leaders that those flames must be doused. It also is another horrible reminder that because of its enemies a tiny land Israel must be continually on its guard. As President Nixon said: Traveling Israelis must constantly be on the alert for such attacks because the terrorists are international outlaws who are unpredictable. Israels requests for assurances of its safety and security have too long been ignored just as has the placing of the real responsibility for similar Arab guerrilla attacks — which started in 1968. World leaders who speak of peace should observe the admonition in an editorial in L’Osservatore Romano: Today’s attempt has a taste of treason more than just treachery. Yes it was treason existing side by side with loyalty in the games.
  • Editorial Weekly Roundup - March 18, 2024

    ChatGPT May Lead To The Downfall Of Education And Critical Thinking Computers Soon To Teach 3 R’s
    Tech Business News Editorial Desk News Wire Article published in the Sarasota Herald Tribune
    February 27, 2024 October 29, 1968
        While artificial intelligence models such as ChatGTP have the potential to revolutionise the way we interact with technology, they may also have unintended consequences when it comes to education and critical thinking. There is growing concern among educators and experts that the increasing use of AI language models like ChatGPT in the classroom could lead to a lack of critical thinking and independent learning among students. The ease and convenience of generating text with the help of AI may …

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        PASADENA, Calif. (AP) Education experts predicted Monday that computers soon will teach such basic skills as reading and mathematics in one-tenth the time and at half the costs now required. Schools as we know them will disappear, they said. The forecasts were made in a symposium on computer-assisted education at a meeting of the National Academy of Science at the California ATISHLULE OF LECIOIORY Dr. Ralph W. el dean of the graduate division of the University of California at Irvine, said “The impact of computers on education will be more important than was the development of printing”. “With today’s equipment”, he said, “10,000 students could be taught easily through less than 700 computerized television consoles”. He added that the cost of such a system would be only half that of using human teachers at the ratio of one for 15 students Dr. James Bonner of Caltech predicted that basic studies eventually will be taught in one tenth the time needed today. “Computers will monitor, each student’s progress minute by minute, correcting mistakes immediately before they become fixed in the child’s mind”, he said. The teacher of the future, the experts agreed, will be a console which flashes right or wrong to each answer as it is given. Since a computer can react in a thousandth of a second it could teach 1,000 students at once through 1,000 connsoles. It no longer becomes necessary to house all of the students of a given age all of the time in something we know as a classroom egg crate type of school but with approximately 30 students and a teacher housed in each slot of the crate. We see classroom space being drastically reduced because there is no need to have all the students there at the same time and there is no need to open the building for only a few hours each day. It should and will be made available to students 24 hours a day, just as computers for statistical purposes are now available 24 hours a day for college students. He forecast widespread use of computers in elementary schools in the 1960s. Eventually, he said, as equipment costs are reduced computer terminals will move into homes and one can envision families of many age levels learning together.
  • Editorial Weekly Roundup - March 1, 2024

    In Death Navalny Is Even More Dangerous To Putin’S Lies Parallel Is Seen
    Serge Schmemann for The New York Times Opinion News Wire Article published in the San Antonio Light
    February 17, 2024 November 2, 1971
        For most of the 12 or so years in which Alexei Navalny crusaded against the rule of Vladimir Putin the Russian president tried to avoid mentioning his gadfly by name even as he and his minions tried every which way assassination included to silence him. Yet when the news of Mr. Navalny’s reported death in a remote northern labor camp appeared on official Russian news sites it included the detail that Mr. Putin on a visit to the city of Chelyabinsk had been “informed.” Many official outlet …

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        Theres a parallel between what happened at the U.N. and what happened in Saigon just eight years ago. On that occasion we pulled the rug from under South Vietnamese President Diem not so much because we wanted to hurt Diem but because the Kennedy administration felt it (and South Vietnam) would fare better with a new group in charge - Gen. Big Minhs crowd. Diligent efforts were made to fend for Diem give him asylum in the U.S. embassy and see him safely off to retirement in another country. But he was murdered and JFK grieved. So must President Nixon lament U.N.s execution of Chiangs China. He didnt want it to happen that way but miserable little forces ordained that it did. His thoughts probably will be troubled for a time. After all some of his early political progress was based on the support he received from the so-called China Lobby financed by rich American conservatives and Chinese expatriates of the stature of T.V. Soong Chiangs banker brother-in-law. The Presidents consolation may come from the fact that in effect 750000000 Chinese now sit where 14000000 had and that the U.S. took the prime role in making Chiang Kaisheks China self-supporting and will continue to give aid. The U.S. will survive in U.N. of course. But it wont ever again be as easy as it was. We must henceforth play the league wherein it is possible to lose to Albania.