Carolyn Hax: Dad Encourages Their Young Son’S Sore-Winner Behavior Even Up The Odds With A Handicap
Carolyn Hax for The Washington Post News Wire Article published in the Norwalk Reflector
March 25, 2024 January 22, 1974
    Dear Carolyn: I fully acknowledge this is a stupid problem but here goes. My husband and son 7 LOVE any kind of game. At first so did I but not now. What usually happens is those two collude against me and I lose almost every time. There’s a particular card game where if those two individually take certain actions I’m guaranteed to lose. Both of these actions occur at the beginning of the game so I don’t have a chance before I’ve taken my first turn. The whole experience is ruined if I …

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    By Abigail Van Buren: DEAR ABBY: A mother wrote in complaining because her husband would never let their eight-year-old son win at Monopoly or chess and you agreed that the father was right. Let’s put the shoe on the other foot. Years ago I used to play dominoes with my father who was then getting on in years and not as sharp as he used to be. I could have beaten him every time if I had wanted to but I often let him beat me. I can still recall the look of pleasure on his face when he’d win. You said a child should learn to accept defeat with grace and good sportsmanship until he develops the skill to win fairly and squarely. But in the meantime the boy is apt to think of his father as a merciless machine that runs over him with all the grace of a bulldozer. GOOD JUDGMENT [I HOPE] DEAR JUDGMENT: Letting Papa win at dominoes isn’t the same as letting Junior win Children are not easily fooled and it’s more confidence shattering to suspect that Daddy is letting them win. But read on for a better solution. DEAR ABBY: You missed the obvious answer to Mother who thought Father should let their eight-year-old win once in a while. Let Dad play with a handicap! Handicaps are used by pros and amateurs to even the odds in all kinds of games. Sure the son needs to learn how to accept defeat with grace but losing all the time is no fun and it only teaches discouragement. I’ve been playing games with my seven-year-old son for years and we both play to win because I take a handicap. As his skill increases my handicap decreases. Accept defeat gracefully Abby and tell Dad to even up the game by using this suggestion.

Should I Confront Our Former Minister Over His Plagiarized Sermons? Dear Abby Not Your Mother’S Keene
Kwame Anthony Appiah for The New York Times Magazine News Wire Article published in the Burlington Hawk Eye
March 22, 2024 July 23, 1970
    I have an ethical problem or rather the retired minister of my church has one and I don’t know what to do about it. After his retirement several years ago some of us decided to gather his sermons from the past 10 years or so into a bound volume and present it to him. We would also put one into our library and make the digital version available on the members-only part of our website. We set out to work on proofing the sermons for typos grammatical errors and missing citations. …

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    DEAR ABBY: Our regular minister left town and another one came to replace him. The replacement was 65 years old and quite attractive. My mother a divorcee was having personal problems so I suggested she talk to the new minister. Well his counseling went way beyond the call of duty and they had an affair which got all over town. His wife found out about it and filed for divorce and left him. Shes a lot younger than he is and I don’t think she’ll have much trouble finding someone else but I am sick with guilt to think that I sent my mother to this hypocrite in the first place. As soon as the whole town knew what happened the minister “resigned” for “health reasons.” Mother remarried again (for the third time) shortly after but I know she is still seeing this minister. Should I switch churches? Or should I continue to tell everyone there is nothing between them as I have been doing? EMBARRASSED DAUGHTER. DEAR EMBARRASSED: Why switch churches? The “Lochinvar of the Pulpit’’ is no longer there. Don’t discuss your mother’s affair with anyone and don’t feel guilty for having sent her to him. You meant well but you are not your mother’s keeper although from your letter I think she needs one. P.S. Time will solve your problem. An unemployed minister is not about to hang around your town much longer.

Intense Emotions Accompany Arrival Of Early Menopause Beauty After 40
Abigail Van Buren for the Uexpress News Wire Article published in the Port Arthur News
March 25, 2024 January 2, 1970
    DEAR ABBY: I am 34 and recently found out I have started menopause. I knew it might come early for me because most of the women in my family began in their 30s and were done by 50. I have no biological children and now probably never will. I guess I waited too long for the right time the right person etc. I was always careful to use birth control when I became sexually active and never left it up to my partner. I am now having a hard time coping with this feeling of loss. I know I shouldn\t b …

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    EDYTH THORNTON McLEOD: Beginning of the menopause but know nothing of how it will affect me and my life. I was brought up in a home where NOTHING was discussed and as a mature woman I feel unsure of life and sex. I have never been married. H: F. Stop worrying and visit a doctor. Let him advise you. This is I think very important. Also you can send for my leaflet “Memo on the Menopause.” It does not seem real nowadays to realize that children especially the girls were kept in complete ignorance about life. This has passed from the scene and we hope it is all for the best. We know that the old system was wrong. To obtain a copy of “Memo on the Menopause” send me a long self-addressed stamped envelope and enclose 10 cents in coin. Read learn and also see a doctor. He can help you through this natural “happening” of nature. I am 40 slim (thank goodness) tall and have color-rinsed brown hair. I want a beige wool dress and I want to wear brown accessories. Do you think this would be becoming? Lela. Beige is a new fashion and can be made even more becoming to you by the wearing of the new whisper tint in the new beige shades. Just consult your cosmetic saleswoman. Deepen your lipstick shade just a bit. I am wearing a black dinner dress for a formal dinner. I have a pair of long black lace gloves sent me from…