• Advice Weekly Roundup - March 25, 2024

    Carolyn Hax: Dad Encourages Their Young Son’S Sore-Winner Behavior Even Up The Odds With A Handicap
    Carolyn Hax for The Washington Post News Wire Article published in the Norwalk Reflector
    March 25, 2024 January 22, 1974
        Dear Carolyn: I fully acknowledge this is a stupid problem but here goes. My husband and son 7 LOVE any kind of game. At first so did I but not now. What usually happens is those two collude against me and I lose almost every time. There’s a particular card game where if those two individually take certain actions I’m guaranteed to lose. Both of these actions occur at the beginning of the game so I don’t have a chance before I’ve taken my first turn. The whole experience is ruined if I …

    Read the full article here.
        By Abigail Van Buren: DEAR ABBY: A mother wrote in complaining because her husband would never let their eight-year-old son win at Monopoly or chess and you agreed that the father was right. Let’s put the shoe on the other foot. Years ago I used to play dominoes with my father who was then getting on in years and not as sharp as he used to be. I could have beaten him every time if I had wanted to but I often let him beat me. I can still recall the look of pleasure on his face when he’d win. You said a child should learn to accept defeat with grace and good sportsmanship until he develops the skill to win fairly and squarely. But in the meantime the boy is apt to think of his father as a merciless machine that runs over him with all the grace of a bulldozer. GOOD JUDGMENT [I HOPE] DEAR JUDGMENT: Letting Papa win at dominoes isn’t the same as letting Junior win Children are not easily fooled and it’s more confidence shattering to suspect that Daddy is letting them win. But read on for a better solution. DEAR ABBY: You missed the obvious answer to Mother who thought Father should let their eight-year-old win once in a while. Let Dad play with a handicap! Handicaps are used by pros and amateurs to even the odds in all kinds of games. Sure the son needs to learn how to accept defeat with grace but losing all the time is no fun and it only teaches discouragement. I’ve been playing games with my seven-year-old son for years and we both play to win because I take a handicap. As his skill increases my handicap decreases. Accept defeat gracefully Abby and tell Dad to even up the game by using this suggestion.
  • Advice Weekly Roundup - March 20, 2024

    Girlfriend Of Three Years Learns The Horrible Truth Shall We Open Up Or Run For Cover?
    Abigail Van Buren for the Uexpress News Wire Article published in the Coshocton Tribune
    February 19, 2024 January 24, 1966
        For nearly three years I have been seeing a man who later asked me to move in with him. He abruptly stopped emailing me four months ago. I waited several weeks and then emailed him telling him how upset and hurt I was and asking what was going on. I found out – not from him – that he has been in a relationship with another woman for the last five years. I am furious! I am at a loss about what I should do. …

    Read the full article here.
        This man I used to know very well is a cross between a monkey and a donkey (which is the polite way of saying it). He mooched off me for three years even fed him when he was too cheap to take me out for dinner. He embarrassed me at parties with his high-jinks and I do mean “high!” And he thought he was the answer to a woman’s prayer. Well I put up with it and when he got ready to dump me he didn’t even have the decency to let me know. I just saw him with another woman asked around and found he’d moved in with her. Well I can tell her some things about him that would curl her fake eyelashes. I’m about to write her a letter and spill it all. Why not let her know she didn’t get any bargain?—GLAD HE’S GONE. Dear GHG: “Pin the tales on the donkey” is for kids. If you want him back backbiting is no way to get him. If youre REALLY glad he’s gone why get in a snit because he dumped you first? Shrug smile and circulate!—H.