Justice Dept. Opens Criminal Probe Of Mid-Flight Blowout On 737 Max Plane Probe Crackup Of Dutch Plane
Spencer S. Hsu, Ian Duncan, Lori Aratani for The Washington Post News Wire Article published in the Hamilton Daily News Journal
March 10, 2024 September 7, 1954
    FAA has stepped up oversight of its manufacturing and quality control processes. The agency also has taken the unusual step of limiting the number of aircraft the company can produce until it can be assured that Boeing has addressed the problems that contributed to the Alaska Airlines blowout. FAA Administrator Michael Whitaker recently visited Seattle a trip that included a tour of Boeing’s 737 production line. He also spoke with Boeing engineers and mechanics as well as FAA employees tasked …

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    SHANNON AIRPORT Ireland - The coroners inquest into the deaths of 28 persons aboard a crashed Dutch KLM airliner has been told that 25 victims trapped in the plane’s cabin died of asphyxiation from gas fumes. One passenger who escaped with 28 other survivors after the plane plowed into the muddy Shannon River Sunday died later in a hospital from injuries suffered in the crash. She was Mrs. Caroline Platz of New York City. Two bodies have not been recovered. Eleven victims and 15 of those who escaped were Americans. Dr. William Flynn medical officer for Shannon Airport testified at the inquest yesterday that examination of the bodies found in the plane showed no evidence of drowning or injury. Thus he concluded they suffocated from the gas fumes.

Pope Unable To Climb Few Steps As Respiratory And Mobility Problems Take Toll Pope Pius Slightly Improved But May Remain Chair-Bound
Associated Press News Wire Article published in the New Castle News
March 6, 2024 December 9, 1936
    VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis again asked an aide to read his remarks and was unable to get back onto his popemobile Wednesday as lingering respiratory and mobility problems continued to take their toll on the 87-year-old pontiff. Francis presided over his weekly general audience held outside for the first time this year in a chilly St. Peter’s Square. But he had an aide read his catechism lesson as he has done for the past several days. Last Wednesday Francis went to the hospital for u …

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    VATICAN CITY Dec. 9.—Pope Pius although slightly improved in his illness today may be a chair-bound invalid for the remainder of his life International News Service learned on high authority. The pontiff who has led an unusually strenuous life even through his late seventies is facing the possibility bravely and he almost defies the advice of his doctors and aides to lighten his load of work. The pope was officially reported “materially” improved today but members of his official family were saddened at the effect his present illness has had upon him.

The Incredible One-Handed Typing Trick On Any Android One-Armed Girl Is Typewriter Flash
Kurt Knutsson, Cyberguy Report for the Fox News News Wire Article published in the Cedar Rapids Gazette
March 9, 2024 April 25, 1952
    Have you ever been in a situation where you need to reply to a text message on your Android phone but your hands are busy or you only have one hand free? Maybe you’re holding a coffee a bag or a baby. Whatever the reason typing with one hand can be a challenge. However don’t worry; there’s a simple solution that …

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    LOS ANGELES (AP) — Next June some executive will hire a one-armed secretary who is a whiz at a typewriter. She is Kazuko Takeda 20 who demonstrated her skill Thursday during a business conference at Los Angeles City college where she is an honor student. Miss Takeda who lost her right arm in a streetcar accident 18 years ago types 55 words a minute and can take 120 words per minute in shorthand.

Tesla’S Electric Semi Truck Takes On Diesel Big Rig Turbine-Powered Truck Unveiled
Kurt Knutsson, Cyberguy Report for the Fox News News Wire Article published in the El Dorado Times
March 8, 2024 July 12, 1965
    When you think of a tractor-trailer you might picture a huge rig chugging down the highway with a cloud of diesel exhaust trailing behind. But Teslas Semi is changing that story and rewriting the rules of the road. Its an electric truck that is revolutionizing the trucking industry and leaving its diesel rivals in …

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    MILFORD Mich. (AP) — Chevrolet Motor Division of General Motors Corp unveiled a new gas turbine powered truck today with a prediction that the vehicle could be in general use by the early 1970s. E. M. Estes GM vice president and newly appointed manager of its Chevrolet division said that while General Motors has been experimenting with gas turbines for more than 15 years ‘there are still many problems to be solved before the turbine will be economically feasible.

Californias Mental Health Ballot Measure What It Does And Live Results Senate Okays Mental Health Legislation
James Powel And Rachel Looker, Usa Today for the Usa Today News Wire Article published in the Provo Daily Herald
March 5, 2024 October 21, 1963
    As national eyes set on Californias Senate contest on Super Tuesday the Golden State is considering a proposition that would overhaul the states mental health services funding. Proposition 1 would change how the state allocates mental health funds pulling some funding from the county to the state level and mandating the way counties spend the remainder. The proposition would also issue new bonds to build mental health facilities and require increased numbers of mental health workers. …

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    WASHINGTON (UPI) — The Senate today approved a $329 million compromise mental health bill designed to trigger a large-scale community attack on mental retardation. The bill was approved by a voice vote. Under the bill a start would be made on a far-reaching mental health program. Its key feature is the development of centers in communities throughout the nation in which residents could receive outpatient as well as in-patient care for mental ills. Dropped from the bill was a controversial feature that would have provided $427 million to assist local communities in paying the salaries of psychiatrists psychologists and other professional workers.

When And Where Can I See The Total Solar Eclipse? What To Know About The Path Of Totality Eclipse To Begin At 2:15 On Sunday Afternoon
Eric Lagatta, Usa Today for the Usa Today By J. Hugh Pruett; Pacific Director, American Ra Ninne published in the Hope Star
March 9, 2024 April 3, 1940
    If you dont already live on the total solar eclipses path of totality you may want to make plans to get somewhere to catch a glimpse of the spectacular sight on April 8. Not only is this the last time for 20 years that the moons orbit will cause it to directly blot out the suns disk anywhere in the United States but we may never see an eclipse quite like this again in our lifetime. The suns outermost layer known as the corona will be brighter the moon will appear larger and the night …

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    A rare spectacle in the daytime sky will be seen on April 7 throughout most of North America when the sun stages a blackout known to science as the annular eclipse. This solar phenomenon will be best seen in a strip of land about 160 miles wide extending entirely across the continent. Here the maximum phase will present a narrow ring of light around the moons shadow. The term annular comes from the Latin annulus meaning ring. A year ago there was an annular eclipse observed in Arctic regions but there will not be another blackout of this kind in the U.S. until 1994. At the time of the eclipse the moon will be at about its greatest distance from the earth. Its shadow will appear too small to entirely cover the suns disk so totality will occur nowhere. The central line of the zone where the annular phase may be seen comes very near the following localities: Chihuahua Mex. a spot midway between Austin and Houston Tex. New Orleans Biloxi Miss. Tallahassee and Jacksonville Fla. Along this line the ring phase will last from 6 to 7.5 minutes varying with the locality. From places within approximately 80 miles both north and south of this central line the eclipse will appear annular but the ring will at no time be perfectly symmetrical. It will become more lopsided the farther the observer is located from the line. Immediately outside the annular zone the maximum phase will show a thin crescent of light. As the distance from this zone increases the percentage of the suns eclipsed diameter will decrease. At Minneapolis it will be 56 per cent; at Juneau Alaska only six per cent. Amateurs photographing this eclipse with ordinary cameras will find very slow film small stops and the shortest possible exposures will bring best results. If the camera is allowed to stand undisturbed and the sun is shot every five or 10 minutes a series of images on one picture may be obtained. The simplest method for viewing the phenomenon is the use of smoked glass or photographic negative. Excellent views may be obtained through field glasses the front lenses of which should be properly darkened.