4 Leading Candidates Reagan Ready If Call Comes
The Associated Press for the Associated Press News Wire Article published in the Kittanning Leader Times
July 22, 2024 July 25, 1968
    No one knows the importance of selecting the right running mate better than Vice President Kamala Harris. With Harris now the leading candidate to succeed President Joe Biden as the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee a look at the top contenders to be on the ticket. The Kentucky governor secured his reputation as a rising party star by beating Donald Trump-endorsed candidates in a Republican stronghold. Beshear displayed a disciplined tenacious style in winning reelection last year …

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    SACRAMENTO Calif. (UPI) —If fate the Republican National Convention and the nation’s voters make Gov. Ronald Reagan president it’s a task he is prepared to assume a mantle he’s ready to wear. It’s something that’s almost impossible to imagine in your own mind the California Republican said in an interview aboard a jet on a flight from Sacramento to Los Angeles. I think any man—unless he has made a career of politics unless he has been aiming for years for a spot — any man has difficulty thinking of himself in that spot Reagan said. But he pondered as the plane flew over the world’s richest agricultural valley about the presidential drive he at first apparently resisted then allowed to run free. At last count about 25 states had active Reagan for President groups to form the core of any serious presidential campaign— if it develops. The interview marked the first time Reagan has discussed publicly his view of the presidency as a possible candidate. Service as governor has made me realize the strength is not in one man it’s in the nation he said. I think sometimes we have a tendency when we think about that office to think of one man running everything taking the whole show. We forget this country has gone through the tragedy of assassination changes of leadership and even the ill health of a president when he was virtually helpless and not on duty. We saw the great strength of this nation that things went right on and grass didn’t start growing in the street. Reagan reiterated his position on the nomination only two weeks before the Republican National Convention convenes at Miami Beach to pick the party standard-bearer. He was asked if it was correct to say he would accept but not actively seek the nomination. I’ve always said that he replied. Are you absolutely 100 per cent serious when you say you don’t want to be anybody’s vice president? he was asked. Absolutely 100 per cent serious he replied. There is no matching job in which you could say what Im doing is as important as the presidency he said. But I think it is reasonable to say that the opportunity to serve as governor of California has a greater potential for service than does the vice presidential nomination.

Rally Shooter Had Photos Of Trump Biden Other Us Officials On Phone Shots Fired After Rally For Wallace
Alanna Durkin Richer, Eric Tucker for the Associated Press News Wire Article published in the Cedar Rapids Gazette
July 19, 2024 October 5, 1968
    WASHINGTON (AP) — The 20-year-old Pennsylvania man who tried to assassinate Donald Trump had photos on his phone of the former Republican president President Joe Biden and other officials including Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Chris Wray according to two people familiar with the matter. Investigators searching Thomas Matthew Crooks’ devices have also found that the shooter looked up the dates for the Democratic National Convention as well as Trump’s appearances. …

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    BUFFALO N.Y. (AP) — Eight business places in the Main street area were hit by gunfire from a passing car police say after a rally for George Wallace as a group of anti-Wallace demonstrators was walking along the street toward his hotel. No one was hurt. UPI said Richard Giff 20 was critically wounded in the back. It said his brother was among four anti-Wallace demonstrators arrested after the rally on charges of assaulting a man outside the site of the candidate’s speech. Wallace was safe in a hotel room conferring with aides. About a half-hour earlier Friday night while the third-party presidential candidate was speaking to an estimated 8500 people in Memorial auditorium about 500 anti-Wallace demonstrators — most of them white and teenagers or in their early 20s—left the arena. They milled around for some time then marched north on Main street and had gone about five blocks police said when the car carrying four men drove by. Police said shots fired from the car pierced a front door window of the Buffalo Courier Express — narrowly missing a guard — and windows of seven other businesses.

With Ai Jets Police Squadrons Paris Securing Olympics – And Worrying Critics Olympics Opened By Curtis; 105000 Present For Event
John Leicester for the Associated Press News Wire Article published in the Marysville Evening Tribune
July 21, 2024 July 30, 1932
    PARIS (AP) — A year ago the head of the Paris Olympics boldly declared that France’s capital would be “ the safest place in the world when the Games open this Friday. Tony Estanguet’s confident forecast looks less far-fetched now with squadrons of police patrolling Paris’ streets fighter jets and soldiers primed to scramble and imposing metal-fence security barriers erected like an iron curtain on both sides of the River Seine that will star in the opening show. France’s vast police and mi …

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    Los Angeles July 30: Varicolored costumes unique to their 39 nations formed in line today to become the parade which will be the spectacular part of the Olympic games opening ceremony. Brought here for the 10th modern renewal of the international contests which began with a simple footrace on the slopes of Mt. Olympus in Greece in the days before Christ these athletes of both sexes will stand at rigid attention while Vice-President Curtis makes his set speech of 17 words officially opening the games. They will be seen by a capacity crowd of 105000. The spectators will include part of the more than 200000 persons attracted to Los Angeles for the newest version of the historic tests of athletic skill. 135 Events Scheduled. Within the next 16 days this group of the world’s greatest stars of track and field as well as of rowing equestrianism boxing wrestling fencing swimming and kindred sports will have competed in a program of 135 individual events. Only one sport was represented in today’s agenda this was weightlifting preliminary tests of which will be conducted tonight in Olympic auditorium. Thus the show centered today upon the spectacular parade of nations on which the organization committee of Los Angeles has been laboring for more than four years. The program really starts at 2:20 (P.S.T.) when the international organization committee and the Los Angeles committee form at the peristyle entrance to receive Mr. Curtis. Then will come the speech of Count Henri Billet Latour of Belgium president of the International Olympic Committee and of William May Garland head of the Los Angeles organization. A band will play the national anthem. A choir of 1000 voices will sing the second stanza. The parade will start. Finally Vice President Curtis will make his speech. Here it is: I proclaim open the Olympic games of Los Angeles celebrating the tenth Olympiad of the modern era. There will be a fanfare of trumpets to herald the opening. Ten cannons will sound in salute. The Olympic torch atop the peristyle a continuation of the large arch in the stadium entrance gates will be ignited. The choir will sing this time the Olympic anthem. As the last note is heard 2000 pigeons will be released.

Hundreds Of Migrants Leave Mexico In New Caravan Headed For Us Border Hungarian Refugees Crossing Austrian Border To Escape Reds
Edgar H. Clemente for the Associated Press News Wire Article published in the Great Bend Daily Tribune
July 22, 2024 November 5, 1956
    CIUDAD HIDALGO México (AP) — Hundreds of migrants from around a dozen countries left from Mexico’s southern border on foot Sunday as they attempt to make it to the U.S. border. Some of the members of the group said they hoped to make it to the U.S. border before elections are held in November because they fear that if Donald Trump wins he will follow through on a promise to close the border to asylum-seekers. “We are running the risk that permits (to cross the border) might be blocked” …

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    VIENNA - Austrias 160-mile-long border with Hungary is alive with refugees. The heroic heartbroken freedom fighters and their loved ones fleeing the renewed Communist-Soviet oppression of their homeland crossed into this country and to freedom by the thousands. They were very welcome here - all of them. Standing at the border point at Schattendorf Burgenland (about 45 miles southeast of Vienna) I waited last night with three Austrian border police for darkness to fall. Suddenly out of a drizzle which sometimes turned to snow the tragic stream of humanity came stumbling into our midst. Austria? the fugitives panted when the police shone electric torches into their drawn terror-stricken faces. Yes yes you are in Austria answered the gray-clad police again and again. Men women and children wept with emotion. Some knelt to kiss the wet earth. Some hugged and embraced the police who gently motioned them on to waiting buses in the background. Throughout Sunday at numerous border villages the swelling tide flowed into Austria. It quickened as the news spread that the Soviets were moving in from east north and south to cut off the fleeing masses - the people whose world but whose burning sunken eyes and parched lips now were accusing this same free world of having deserted them in the hour of most desperate need.

Peak Global Population Is Approaching Thanks To Lower Fertility Rates: Graphics Explain Population Impact Study Released Growth Rates Show Population May Reach 12 Billion In 54 Years
Sara Chernikoff, Usa Today for the Usa Today News Wire Article published in the Bryan Eagle
July 21, 2024 March 21, 1976
    A new report from United Nations shows the estimated global population will peak at 10.3 billion people in the mid-2080s - a significantly earlier timeline than what was predicted a few years prior. Although the population is continuing to grow the report found that such growth is slowing down. One indicator of this slow down is the drop in global fertility rates. Fertility rate is the number of live births per woman at reproductive age. Globally the rate is 2.25 births per woman. …

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    NEW YORK (AP) — The world’s population explosion is having a significant impact on at least 22 other dimensions of human society including jobs inflation food supply climate and forests a new study warns. Critical issues are arising from pressures of a world population of 4 billion which at present growth rates would reach 12 billion in 2030 just 54 years from now says Worldwatch Institute of Washington D.C. The population problem concerns us but it will concern our children and grandchildren even more. How we respond to the population threat may do more to shape the world in which they will live than anything else we do the institute says in a paper titled Twenty Two Dimensions of the Population Problem. Worldwatch Institute is an independent nonprofit research organization founded to identify and focus attention on global problems. Its new paper issued in cooperation with the Population Institute of New York was written by Lester Brown Worldwatch president and Patricia McGrath and Bruce Stokes institute researchers. The paper comments that world population is not likely to double over the next generation because of intolerable conditions that would have been generated beforehand. Current population growth rates cannot continue for much longer. Birth rates will come down death rates will go up or more likely both will occur. Increasing nutritional stress environmentally induced illnesses and social disintegration can all contribute to rising death rates and falling birth rates. As indicators of population pressure problems the report says: Almost a billion new jobs will be required in developing countries between now and the year 2000. But few such countries have the necessary investment capital. Illiteracy is increasing from 700 million adult illiterates in 1950 to 800 million now. The world receives 200000 new consumers babies who will have needs each day. Farmers cannot expand the supply of cereals enough to meet world demand. World grain stocks have been drawn down to scarcely 30 days of world consumption. Wheat prices have more than doubled. Malnutrition is rising and each year 15 million children under age 5 die of combined effects of malnutrition and infection. National parks are under increasing pressure by ever expanding use and abuse and in Africa parks and game preserves have been sacrificed to the fierce demand for farm land which is needed to feed burgeoning populations.

Giants Legend Lawrence Taylor Arrested In Florida Football Star Jim Brown Arrested On Assault And Accident Charges
Dan Benton for the Usa Today News Wire Article published in the Amarillo Globe Times
July 19, 2024 August 6, 1969
    Retired New York Giants legend and Pro Football Hall of Famer Lawrence Taylor was arrested this week in Florida TMZ reports. Taylor turned himself in at the Broward County Jail on an outstanding felony warrant related to failing to report his status as a registered sex offender. Lawrence Taylor was arrested again in Florida this week. …

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    BEVERLY HILLS Calif. — Sheriffs deputies arrested football star-turned-actor Jim Brown today on a warrant charging felony assault and misdemeanor counts of battery and leaving the scene of a traffic accident. Brown 33-year-old former Cleveland Browns fullback surrendered quietly when deputies spotted him by chance sitting inside a new car with a young woman identified as Candy Kesner 18 Golden Colo. Brown’s attorney Richard Covey earlier had promised the actor would turn himself in later today. Brown was booked at the West Hollywood sheriffs substation. He was due for arraignment in Beverly Hills Municipal Court today unless he posted $3250 bail and requested another court date deputies said. A police report said Brown’s car struck an auto from behind last Friday. The driver Arthur Charles Brush 52 said he stopped and showed Brown his identification. The report said Brown refused to show his identification and began driving away. Brush stood in front of Brown’s car to stop him was struck in the stomach and thrown onto the hood. Then Brown got out of the car threw Brush off the hood and left. Brush said he took down the license number and recognized Brown from his pictures. Deputies said they had not been searching for Brown but that two officers who recognized him took him into custody. One of the arresting deputies was John Texeira 27 who Brown was charged with assaulting last year. Brown pleaded no contest to the assault charge which deputies said occurred during an investigation in which model Eva Marie Bahn-Chin was found severely injured.

Day Of Chaos: How Crowdstrike Outage Disrupted 911 Dispatches Hospitals Flights Power Failures Hit New York
N’Dea Yancey-Bragg, Usa Today for the Usa Today News Wire Article published in the Fairborn Daily Herald
July 19, 2024 February 8, 1971
    The first hints of imminent global chaos came in the dead of night. A U.S cybersecurity firm that serves hundreds of Fortune 500 companies alerted clients a software glitch was causing computer users worst nightmare: the “Blue Screen of Death.” CrowdStrike blamed a botched update to its “falcon Sensor software” in the 1:30am ET alert saying it was causing Microsoft Windows to crash. When Ty McKinnie arrived in the early morning hours at New York’s LaGuardia Airport he was unaware of the bre …

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    Midtown Manhattan went dark last night when electric power failures blacked out blocks of office buildings disrupted radio and television broadcasts and affected subway and train service. The power system was crippled from 7:12 p.m. EST until 11:42 p.m. when the last of the blacked-out area was restored to service. New Yorkers compared their difficulties favorably with those caused by the Great Northeast Blackout of 1965. Impromptu festivities mostly candlelit sprang up in bars and other spots where people were stranded. There were no injuries attributed to yesterdays blackout reported. The Consolidated Edison co. which provides electricity to all of the city and some suburbs said the situation was caused by a massive short-circuit in a 138000-volt transformer at its waterside generating station located on the East river just south of the UN. The short-circuit enacted automatic switching equipment that immediately cut off power to two grids distributing electricity to the Times Square area and Greeley Square. The Empire State buildings power went out and 40 tourists who were looking out over the city from the 86th-floor observation deck were stranded. The tourists although astonished at the climbers’ arrival said they were not worried about their plight. An elderly woman from Ireland gave her opinion on the cause of the blackout — If people wouldn’t make toast thered be no power trouble. But the problems in midtown Manhattan were severe. Office buildings went dark and those traffic lights that stayed lit were few snarling the traffic and restricting the travel of emergency vehicles. Elevators were inoperative and a section of the subway system was shut down. Grand Central terminal was darkened. The first two areas blacked out were put back in service between 9:12 and 9:34 but the power supply in Manhattan remained critically short. Lights in many parts of the borough which flickered when the transformer failed had remained dim so Con Edison engineers decided they had to shut down the remaining two grids manually. That cutoff killed the presses of the Daily News the nation’s largest-circulation newspaper and interrupted news on the wires of United Press International until emergency operations were begun. Engineers at the utility company worked through the evening to establish bypass circuits to distribute power in Manhattan.