Largest And Most Complex East-West Prisoner Swap Since Cold War Donovan Tells Of Efforts To Swap Cuban Prisoners
Eric Tucker, Dasha Litvinova, Matthew Lee for the Associated Press By Charles El. Weat published in the Sterling Daily Gazette
August 1, 2024 October 15, 1962
    WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States and Russia completed their biggest prisoner swap in post-Soviet history on Thursday with Moscow releasing journalist Evan Gershkovich and fellow American Paul Whelan along with dissidents including Vladimir Kara-Murza in a multinational deal that set two dozen people free. Gershkovich Whelan and Alsu Kurmasheva a journalist with dual U.S.-Russia citizenship arrived on American soil shortly before midnight for a joyful reunion with their families. …

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    NEW YORK (AP)—Late in the evening last Feb. 11 a fatigued Wall Street lawyer James B. Donovan lounged in an easy chair and talked with the 50 reporters and photographers crowded into his Brooklyn apartment. The tiredness did not show in his pale blue eyes as Donovan discussed the conclusion of a case he had undertaken five years earlier with the remark: “If the free world is not faithful to its own moral code there remains no society for which others may hunger.” This was the credo with which Donovan whose practice normally involves the legal tangles of big insurance companies accepted the task handed to him by the Brooklyn Bar Association: Defending Col. Rudolf I. Abel Soviet master spy. The jury found his client guilty of espionage. But Donovan argued successfully against execution telling the court that if Abels life were spared he might someday be traded for an American trapped in a similar case. The presence of the crowd in Donovans apartment that February night testified to his foresight. For the silver-haired athletic lawyer had just returned from a secret mission behind the Iron Curtain. He had traded Abel for the freedom of U2 pilot Francis Gary Powers and Frederic Pryor an American student accused of spying in East Germany. Just six months later Donovan was again traveling into the Communist sphere of influence. It was Cuba. Once again his goal was to open prison doors. This time however he had no prisoner to swap for the anti-Castro Cubans captured at the Bay of Pigs invasion attempt and he carefully emphasized “The U.S. government has absolutely no part in these negotiations.” Donovan made the latter point carefully because some questions had arisen about his role in relation to the Logan Act. This federal statute prohibits a U.S. citizen from negotiating privately with a foreign power about any disputes that government has with the United States. No such question was asked about the Abel-Powers swap but by this time—largely as a result of the public stature he had gained from the swap—Donovan was a Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate in New York.

Robotic Drones Are Revealing Secrets About Natures Deadliest Hurricanes Hurricane Busters Chase Freak Storm
Kurt Knutsson, Cyberguy Report for the Fox News News Wire Article published in the Morning Herald
August 1, 2024 September 9, 1947
    Have you ever wondered why some hurricanes transform from relatively mild storms into monsters in just a day? This process called rapid intensification is one of the biggest challenges in hurricane forecasting. Imagine youre living in a coastal town preparing for what you think will be a moderate tropical storm. Suddenly within 24 hours it becomes a Category 5 hurricane. Thats exactly what happened with Hurricane Otis in October 2023 catching many by surprise and causing widespread destruction. …

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    Minor Tropical Storm Sneaks Into Gulf of Mexico. A minor tropical storm made a sneak appearance in the Gulf of Mexico today and became a meteorological guinea pig for historys first hurricane-busting experiment. Todays storm developed too close to the Florida west coast to be seeded with dry ice or other crystals by Army and Navy planes. The military services and scientists cooperating with them want a bigger storm farther at sea for their first real effort. A Navy hurricane hunter plane from the Miami Naval Air Station probed the Gulf storm for possibly the last bit of research before the actual hurricane busting effort begins. The hurricane hunter craft was piloted by Lt. R. Dannetell with Lt. Comdr. C. Marshall the co-pilot and Ensign W. J. Remillard the meteorologist. No chemicals were dropped into the storm. All phases of the plan to artificially disintegrate hurricanes will be ready next weekend. Crews are being briefed photographic equipment gathered and scientific data studied for the effort. The Army Navy and General Electric Company will cooperate in the plan which has been worked out by Dr. Irving Langmuir a noted physicist and Nobel prize winner.

Ultra-Fast Charging Ev Sports Car Can Juice Up In 5 Minutes Joe Adcock To Manage Cleveland Ford Shows Battery To Power Small Cars
Kurt Knutsson, Cyberguy Report for the Fox News News Wire Article published in the Kenosha News
July 31, 2024 October 3, 1966
    Imagine pulling up to a charging station plugging in your electric vehicle and driving off with a near-full battery in less time than it takes to grab a coffee. Sounds too good to be true right? Well Nyobolt might just be turning this scenario into reality. The prototype that\s turning heads Nyobolt a U.K.-based battery technology company has recently unveiled a working prototype of an electric …

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    DEARBORN Mich. — Ford Motor Co. today unveiled an inexpensive high-energy battery to electrically power small cars for city driving. But Ford gave no timetable on when electric cars would be available except to say it might be ‘within the next decade. The breakthrough battery which promises to relieve air pollution caused by exhaust from conventional gasoline-powered cars is based on a new principle. It is made of crystalline ceramic sodium and sulphur three cheap and abundant materials. Ford did not show how big the battery would be how fast it could propel a car or how far the car could go between battery charges. But Michael Ference Jr. vice president for scientific research said the battery could store up to 15 times as much electrical energy as the conventional lead-acid batteries of today. Ference said Ford also has developed a rugged low-cost electric car motor which weighs only one-fourth as much as today’s best direct current motors with equivalent power rating. Ference said Ford studies indicated a whole new approach to vehicle engineering is needed to develop a car for use with the electric system. He said Ford of England is now engineering a low-cost city car smaller than today’s U.S. compact models to carry two adult passengers and two children. Construction of the first car is now underway and will be completed next spring. It will be shipped to the United States for testing under urban-suburban application. Ference said more development work is needed to enable the new battery to provide better acceleration and make it go further between charges.

Within Hours Of Discovery Wildfire Outside Denver Triggers Hundreds Of Evacuations California Homes Leveled By Blaze
Christopher Cann, Usa Today for the Usa Today News Wire Article published in the Post Herald
July 31, 2024 January 1, 1959
    Hundreds of central Colorado residents were evacuated early Wednesday after deadly wildfires spread fiercely over mountainous terrain as firefighters in California battled the fifth-largest blaze in state history. Colorado Gov. Jared Polis told reporters Wednesday afternoon that Boulder County authorities confirmed one fatality from the blaze and at least five homes have been destroyed as strong winds and dry heat hampered emergency responders efforts to quell the flames. …

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    TOPANGA CANYON Calif. (AP) — A wind-driven fire believed to be started by an arsonist sped wildly through the Santa Monica Mountains Wednesday night burning homes and forcing thousands to flee. An estimated 50 homes and cabins have been destroyed and 3000 acres blackened. An army of men aided by fire-bombing planes fought the blaze. The fire started Wednesday morning near Woodland Hills and swept along by gale-like winds raced up the inland slope over the crest and down populous Topanga Canyon to the sea. In the canyon community of Glenwood at least 35 structures were razed Fire Capt. Jack Connors said. Dozens of homes were in its path as the fire headed toward the Pacific. How many could be saved was not known firemen said. The blaze swept through the property of the late actor Richard Dix His $100000 home was saved. The Pacific Coast Highway was closed as flames raced down the hillsides to its edge. Flames leaped 75 feet into the air. Beach property was endangered. Said Asst. County Fire Chief Paul Clark: We better catch this little firebug. Hes set 20 fires in this area in the last three days. This is definitely arson. The others were small blazes quickly controlled. Hot dry desert winds have raked the area the past two days making the brush tinder dry. Just before noon a tremendous wall of flames roared into the canyon community of Glenview and rolled on.

It Was Their Rocket: U.S. Blames Hezbollah For Attack That Killed 12 Children And Teens Palestinian Attacks Raise The Ire Of Syrians
Michael Collins And Francesca Chambers, Usa Today for the Usa Today By The Associated Press published in the Austin Daily Herald
July 30, 2024 October 12, 1976
    WASHINGTON – The White House said Monday the Iranian-backed Lebanese militant group Hezbollah was responsible for the weekend rocket attack that killed 12 children and teenagers in the Golan Heights. It was their rocket. It was launched from an area that they control White House national security spokesman John Kirby said. Hezbollah has denied any role in the attack which happened Saturday when a rocket slammed into a soccer field in the Israeli-controlled Golan. The attack has escalated t …

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    The Syrian government vowed today to take decisive deterrent and punitive action following Palestinian attacks on Syrian embassies in Pakistan and Italy. The attacks were a reprisal for Syria’s intervention in the Lebanese civil war against the Palestinians and their leftist Lebanese Muslim allies. Three Palestinians brandishing machine guns broke into the Syrian Embassy in Rome on Monday. They wounded the first secretary in the leg and held five embassy officials hostage for two hours before surrendering to Italian police. Later Monday three Palestinians tried to take over the Syrian Embassy in Islamabad Pakistan after throwing bombs at the ambassadors residence. One of the attackers was reported killed. In Beirut a spokesman for the Palestine Liberation Organization denied that the PLO was responsible for either attack. There was no comment from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and other radical groups. Acts committed by gangs of criminals will not pass without punishment the Syrian government’s Damascus Radio said. Those criminals and their sponsors tend to forget that the embassies they attacked were a mecca for the noblest and the most courageous fighters for the Palestine cause. They forgot that the Palestine revolution was born in Syria. They want to destroy what was built with Syrian sacrifice sweat and blood. The Syrian government made similar statements following an attack Sept. 2 by four Palestinians in Damascus. The three surviving raiders were hanged publicly within 24 hours and the Syrian army and Lebanese Christian militiamen launched a campaign in which they drove the Palestinians from mountain positions northeast of Beirut. Italian police sources said the Syrian government told the Italian government it would seek the extradition of the Palestinians who invaded the Rome embassy. The raiders intended to capture the Syrian ambassador and demand as ransom for him the withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon or their surrender and the release of 100 Palestinians held in Syrian prisons the police said. But the ambassador was not in the embassy. The ambassador was not present at the time. The official said the other two Palestinians were.

Who Is Josh Shapiro? Get To Know The Pennsylvania Governor And Potential Harris Vp Pick Warrens To Go To New York To Take Mrs. Warren And Girls To See Some Shows
Victor Hagan, Usa Today for the Usa Today News Wire Article published in the Oil City Blizzard
July 31, 2024 June 26, 1948
    Vice President Kamala Harris has yet to select a running mate for her 2024 presidential campaign but according to the campaign she’s scheduled to visit several swing states next week with her vice presidential pick meaning that a decision and announcement is near. Once selected the Democratic duo plans to visit Philadelphia western Wisconsin Detroit Raleigh N.C. Savannah Ga. Phoenix and Los Vegas according to the campaign. Based on prior reporting by USA TODAY the first stop will …

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    Philadelphia. — Republican vice presidential nominee Earl Warren departs tomorrow for New York and the Broadway shows he has been promising Mrs. Warren and the girls. The big ruddy-faced Californian made this a prime order of business. First however he set aside most of the day to confer with Gov. Thomas E. Dewey the man who defeated him for top spot on the ticket but then tapped him as his personal choice for a running mate. The two governors—of New York and California—dined together last night at Deweys hotel suite presumably to lay campaign plans and discuss election of a new chairman of the Republican national committee. They got together again today. Dewey expected to leave for Pawling N. Y. sometime after noon when convention business was cleaned up. Then Warren planned to bundle up Mrs. Warren and his three blonde daughters - Virginia 19 Dorothy 17 and Nina 14 — and head for New York to fulfill the pledge on which “I havent yet been able to deliver.” Warren said they probably will stay there several days — “long enough to take in some shows.” Then he will return to California. Warren told his first news conference as Vice presidential nominee that he “definitely” will not resign as governor to campaign. But he said he intends to spend the summer and fall “in making a great crusade for the upholding of Republican principles.” If he and Dewey are elected he said a prime objective of his will be to make the government “a human government an efficient government and—above all—a government of integrity from top to bottom” Not one to take the sidelines if he can help it Warren drew from Dewey a promise of something more to do as vice president than act as the senate’s presiding officer. Warren said he didn’t know what specific other duties he might be able to assume under the Constitution. But he said he thinks the vice presidency should be “of greater public service.” Warrens last-minute willingness to take the nomination came as a surprise. He had said frequently he did not want the No. 2 spot. Warren said yesterday he accepted Deweys invitation to join the ticket because Dewey personally wanted him and because he felt he owed it to the Republican party. Only the day before Warren had declared he would not take a $15000 a year cabinet post as attorney general because he could not afford it. He has no independent means he said and a big family to support. As governor of California he is paid $25000 with the equivalent of possibly another $20000 or $25000 in the emoluments of office. As vice president at a $20000 a year salary he stands to lose $5000 a year in pay. But the job gets $37385 in expense money—$32385 for clerical help plus $5000 for a car and its upkeep.