Astrazeneca Yanks Covid Jab The Latest In Common Cold: The Corona Virus
Associated Press By Frank Carey Ap Soclancra Writar published in the Petersburg Progress Index
May 8, 2024 July 6, 1970
    LONDON (AP) — The pharma giant AstraZeneca has requested that the European authorization for its COVID-19 vaccine be pulled according to the EU medicines regulator. In an update on the European Medicines Agency’s website Wednesday the regulator said that the approval for AstraZeneca’s Vaxzevria had been withdrawn “at the request of the marketing authorization holder.” AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine was first given the nod by the EMA in January 2021. Within weeks however concerns grew about …

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    If you catch a cold by years end - as you and most other Americans probably will - you should hope it is caused by the corona virus. Not that you will be any less miserable. You wont. Not that your doctor will have any more luck curing the attack. He wont. But with a corona-caused cold youll at least be one of the in crowd upper-respiratorially speaking. That is youll be suffering from the latest thing in the common cold - a virus in effect as mod and up-to-date as the mini-skirt. The corona - so named because it is shaped somewhat like a microscopic regal crown - is a newly recognized recruit in the varied and ever-growing brigade of villainous bugs that can cause the common cold one of mankind’s oldest most prevalent costly and baffling maladies. But with the discovery of the corona virus comes this conclusion of prominent researchers: Chances appear slimmer than ever for any major breakthrough in the near future toward developing conventional preventive vaccines against all the multiple varieties of cold-causing germs. The scientists say the only hope for any major conquest of the common cold in the foreseeable future rests on new experiments aimed at developing chemical drugs - as distinguished from vaccines which are made up of toned-down versions of the viruses themselves. As the international quest continues for ways to cure or prevent the common cold the legions of water-eyed runny-nosed scratchy-throated Americans are involved in statistics like these: Virtually all the nation’s 200 million people have at least one cold a year and many have up to five - for a total of nearly 1 billion bouts. Colds cost the nation more than $5 billion yearly in lost wages lost production and medical expenses including more than $400 million for respiratory pharmaceuticals whose benefits says the U.S. Public Health Service are questionable. Nearly every employed American loses about four work-days a year and nearly every child about six school days from respiratory ills. Children get twice as many colds as adults.

Boeing 737 Catches Fire And Skids Off The Runway In Senegal Jet Catches Fire On Takeoff; 54 Killed
Jessica Donati, Mark Banchereau for the Associated Press News Wire Article published in the Northwest Florida Daily News
May 10, 2024 August 23, 1985
    DAKAR Senegal (AP) — A Boeing 737 carrying 85 people caught fire and skidded off a runway at Senegal’s main airport injuring 10 people including the pilot the country’s transport minister said Thursday. Passengers were evacuated from the burning aircraft and some described “complete panic” as they scrambled for their lives. The Air Sénégal flight operated by TransAir was headed to Bamako in neighboring Mali late Wednesday with 79 passengers two pilots and four cabin crew when the crash …

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    Eighty-three survive the inferno after an engine explodes. MANCHESTER England - An engine exploded on a British Airtours plane as it sped down the runway on takeoff Thursday and flames swiftly engulfed the Boeing 737 killing 54 people. Eighty-three survived the inferno and the panic of the escape. As the pilot brought the plane to a halt at the edge of the runway passengers leaped to the tarmac and stewards flung people down escape chutes in the desperate minutes before flames overtook them survivors said. The plane stopped about 300 yards from an airport fire station and firemen reached the jet in minutes. Gil Thompson airport manager said however that a severed fuel line may have doused the twin-jet aircraft with fuel and that it then became really a towering inferno. The plane was taking 131 package-tour passengers and six crew to Corfu in the Greek islands. Survivor Keith Middleton 21 of Liverpool said that as flames spread everyone was screaming and shouting. They were diving out of their seats and everyone was pushing. People were falling onto the floor and getting trampled on. Hilary Loftus told of holding her baby and jumping from the plane into the arms of her husband who had just gotten out with their young daughter. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher flew to this industrial city in northwest England at the end of her holiday in Austria. She viewed the wreckage and spent 75 minutes comforting survivors. Fifteen survivors were held at Manchesters Wythenshawe Hospital mainly with burns. The rest were released after treatment for minor injuries and shock. British Airtours a subsidiary of state-owned British Airways specializes in taking Britons on package tours to holiday resorts. There was no indication any foreigners were on the flight. The Manchester Airport Authority said the jet was roaring down the runway at about 100 mph just after 7 a.m. when the pilot radioed he had a problem with the engine on his left wing. Thompson said the pilot aborted the takeoff and stopped the plane within 30 to 40 seconds turning it into a taxiway near an airport fire station. He said within minutes seven fire engines were spewing foam onto the plane but still the fire raged out of control billowing into the passenger compartment.

Amazons Self-Driving Taxi Zoox Under Investigation By Us After Rear-End Crashes Taxicab Careens About Chicago With Lunatic
Associated Press News Wire Article published in the Appleton Post Crescent
May 13, 2024 February 1, 1926
    DETROIT (AP) — Amazon’s self-driving robotaxi unit is being investigated by the U.S. government’s highway safety agency after two of its vehicles braked suddenly and were rear-ended by motorcyclists. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said in documents posted on its website Monday it will evaluate the automated driving system developed by Zoox. Both crashes involved Toyota Highlander SUVs with autonomous driving technology. They happened during daytime hours and the agency con …

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    Chicago— A taxicab careened crazily about Chicago streets for hours Sunday night carrying a frightened chauffeur a demented man who constantly urged him on with a pistol and the chauffeurs 8-year-old son who bounced inside the cab sawing desperately on a violin under the madmans compulsion. The weird taxi scene was only one in a 10 hour rampage through Chicago and Berwyn in which F.E. H. Sackett 52 a Kansas City Mo. mining engineer fought a pistol battle with Berwyn police frightened patients and attendants in a hospital and finally after a $25 unpaid taxi ride was quietly arrested at the Union station. Sackett head of the Utilities Mfg. Corporation of Kansas City came to Chicago a week ago on business followed later by his wife who became alarmed at the messages he telegraphed to her. Receiving word at his hotel that his wife was at the home of her sister in Berwyn a suburb Sackett telephoned that he would drive out shortly. First he called at the home of A. B. Scheyer a chauffeur There he heard the chauffeurs son play the violin and insisted the youth accompany them. Arriving in Berwyn his relatives decided to subject him to a psychopathic examination and persuaded him to reenter the cab and go to a hospital. Sackett submitted quietly to the examination until two policemen summoned by telephone arrived. In the fight that followed one of Sacketts fingers was shot away but he escaped to the cab and compelled Scheyer to drive him away. The youth finally wearied from the ordeal was dropped in front of the Scheyer home but the ride went on. Later Sackett flung himself out of the car and vanished among crowds near the Union station. From the station Sackett telephoned to his wife and his arrest soon followed.

Ai Surveillance Comes To Schools Gun Curbs Bill Pushed Criminal Incidence Cited By President
David A. Lieb, John Hanna for the Associated Press (By The Asseciated Preas’! published in the Lubbock Avalanche Journal
May 12, 2024 September 16, 1967
    TOPEKA Kan. (AP) — Kansas could soon offer up to $5 million in grants for schools to outfit surveillance cameras with artificial intelligence systems that can spot people carrying guns. But the governor needs to approve the expenditures and the schools must meet some very specific criteria. The AI software must be patented “designated as qualified anti-terrorism technology” in compliance with certain security industry standards already in use in at least 30 states and capable of detecting …

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    WASHINGTON — President Johnson urged Congress Friday to speed up action on a firearms control bill ‘aimed solely at keeping deadly weapons out of the wrong hands.’ In a letter to House Speaker John W. McCormack (D-Mass) the President said legislation he proposed last February would meet the challenge to ‘keep weapons from the hands of the dangerous and still permit the law-abiding citizens to acquire them.’ McCormack made the letter public and said he would make every effort to get House action this year on the President’s proposal. Since August of last year when a hidden sniper in a university tower in Austin Tex. shot 44 people the President wrote McCormack guns have been involved in 6500 murders 10000 suicides 2600 accidental deaths 43500 aggravated assaults and 50000 robberies. ‘A civilized nation cannot allow this armed terror to continue’ he said. ‘An enlightened Congress must not allow it to continue. The time has come for action.’ Last year the President said 2 million guns were sold in this country many of them to hardened criminals snipers mental defectives rapists habitual drunkards and juveniles. ‘There is no excuse for this’ he added. ‘We are long past the point where we can allow lethal weapons to be hawked by the same mail order techniques used to market frozen steaks or baskets of fruit. We are long past the point where we can allow an enemy of society to buy and use a weapon of death and disorder… when existing state laws will not even allow the same person to drive a car or to vote.’ The President said the legislation he proposed would stop interstate mail order sales of firearms stop over-the-counter sales of firearms other than rifles and shotguns to any person not residing within the state of purchase.

How To Fly With Your Dog When Money Is No Object St. Bernard Dog For Fdr Barred From Air Travel
Kurt Knutsson, Cyberguy Report for the Fox News News Wire Article published in the Cumberland News
May 11, 2024 January 20, 1945
    Imagine you’re about to zip up your suitcase for a much-awaited vacation and there’s your four-legged companion gazing up at you with those soulful eyes. The thought of leaving them behind tugs at your heartstrings especially when the only travel options seem to be less than ideal. With commercial airlines tightening the leash on pet travel your furry friend often ends up in a snug carrier or worse isolated in the cargo hold. But what if there was a better way? Enter the world of private …

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    DALLAS Tex. Jan. 19 — Thirty men wearing derbys and bibs took over downtown airlines offices here in an attempt to send a huge St. Bernard dog to President Roosevelt by air. The animal peered somberly from under the brim of an opera hat as members of Dallass famed Bonehead Club loudly demanded but didn’t get a class A priority with plenty of passenger space. Boneheaders quick to seize on the well publicized flight of Col. Elliott Roosevelts dog to the west coast as an opportunity for action first invaded the Braniff Airways office. “Take that dog out of here” a Braniff employee cried. “We dont want to hear any more about dogs on planes.” Finally an American Airlines representative smilingly promised a reservation—but he didnt say when. Mollified the Boneheads went back to their meeting room and voted: 1 To send all 266 dogs in the Dallas pound on an all-American sightseeing trip by air. 2.To change the name of groundhog day Feb. 2 to “ground-dog” day. On this day all dogs would be grounded and people would get a chance at plane reservations.

What Recourse Do I Have If My Employer Relocates My Job? Industrial Relocations Cause Havoc
Johnny C. Taylor Jr. for the Usa Today News Wire Article published in the Atchison Sunday Globe
May 7, 2024 October 31, 1977
    Johnny C. Taylor Jr. tackles your human resources questions as part of a series for USA TODAY. Taylor is president and CEO of the Society for Human Resource Management the world\s largest HR professional society and author of Reset: A Leader’s Guide to Work in an Age of Upheaval.” Question: Our office announced that it will be relocating 45 minutes away in eight weeks. This will significantly impact the employees. …

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    CLEVELAND (AP) — After 43 years in tiny Garrettsville Ohio the Polson Rubber Co. announced it was stopping production ripping out the equipment and shipping the guts of its operation to Tennessee. “The effect was traumatic” says Polson vice president Paul Diehl who stayed behind to run the sales operation. ‘‘It put a lot of people out of work and wreaked havoc on our tax base.” Garrettsville lost about 40 per cent of its tax base when the 40 workers lost their jobs. “Ive got no idea of the destiny of our workforce’ Diehl said. ‘I’m sure some of them found jobs and some of them are still looking.” Faced with incidents such as Polson and the nearby closing of the Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. in Struthers Ohio there is a campaign in Congress and among some local officials to regulate plant relocation to cushion the impact on workers and the community. Proponents of regulation hope to minimize the damage to a community and its workers when a company moves a production site. In Ohio the Conference of Alternative State and Local Public Policies a group of public officials is calling for state legislation that would require companies to pay severance benefits for workers idled by a plant movement. A bill introduced in the Ohio General Assembly last summer would require benefits equal to…

Alabama Lawmakers Fail To Approve States Controversial Gaming Legislation Hot Springs Gaming Bill Faces Defeat
Victor Hagan, Usa Today Network for the Usa Today News Wire Article published in the Carroll Daily Times Herald
May 10, 2024 March 4, 1967
    Alabama lawmakers failed to approve controversial gaming legislation on Thursday the final day of the states legislative session. The proposed measures would have legalized a state education lottery electronic games of chance traditional raffles and paper bingo but continued to prohibit tables cards dice and dealers. The bill would not authorize sports betting. The state House approved the conference reports on the gaming bills sending the legislation to the Senate for consideration. …

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    LITTLE ROCK Ark. (AP) — Legalized gambling for Hot Springs Ark. approved Friday by the Arkansas House faces another defeat at the hands of Gov. Winthrop Rockefeller like that it suffered from the voters in 1964. Several hours after the Senate bill to allow gambling at private clubs cleared the house 52-48 Rockefeller issued a statement saying he would not sign the measure “under any circumstances” He did not say he would veto it. He said he thought voters would want to “immediately let your legislators know how you feel about this question.” His statement was interpreted as a move to mobilize public opinion against the measure and give the legislature an opportunity to recall it There is no such thing as a pocket veto in Arkansas. If Rockefeller does not act on the bill within five days it will become law “Under present circumstances” the governor said. “the Senate could recall the bill. I hope that it will.” The governor noted that voters overwhelmingly defeated a proposed constitutional amendment in 1964 that would have legalized gambling at Hot Springs. The bill approved 18-16 by the Senate Thursday creates a five member state crime commission.