Americans Economic Outlook Brightens As Inflation Slows And Wages Outpace Prices Prospects For Future Looking Good Ike Says
Christopher Rugaber for the Associated Press Bw Aesaslated Berane published in the Mt Vernon Register News
January 24, 2024 August 12, 1954
    WASHINGTON (AP) — After an extended period of gloom Americans are starting to feel better about inflation and the economy — a trend that could sustain consumer spending fuel economic growth and potentially affect President Joe Biden’s political fortunes. A measure of consumer sentiment by the University of Michigan has jumped in the past two months by the most since 1991. A survey by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York found that Americans inflation expectations have reached their lowest point in years suggesting that the recent slowdown in price increases may be more than just a temporary blip. The combination of slower inflation and rising wages is a positive sign for American workers who have been grappling with rising costs for housing food and other essentials. It also bodes well for the Biden administration which has been under pressure to address the rising cost of living. The improved economic outlook could help bolster support for the president and his policies particularly as the midterm elections approach. However economists caution that the positive trends could be fragile and subject to change particularly if inflation picks up again or if the labor market weakens. For now though Americans are feeling more optimistic about their financial prospects which could translate into increased spending and economic growth in the months ahead. …

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    President Eisenhower declared today that the over-all performance of the American economy since his administration took over “has heen better than during any earlier time.”’ “The paramount fact… is that the recent decline In economic activity has come to a halt” the President said at another point in a report on the state of the nation’s economic. health at mid- year And he listed signs which he said point out bright prospects for the future Eisenhower\s survey in this congressional election year am- ounted to a reply to Democratic critics who have contended that the Republican administration is breeding unemployment and lead- ing the nation into a depression. There appears no doubt that both sides will draw heavily on the report for ammunition in the upcoming vote battles. Eisenhower noted the criticism in general terms and went on to say that “the recent economic decline on an over-all basis has been very small.” He also declared: 1. Price increases during the first six months of this year were “tiny” and—if developments such as bargain sales are taken into account—‘“we can surely say without the slightest fear of con- tradiction that the value of the people’s money has remained en- tirely intact.” 2. The increase in wages— which is one of the principal exe. pressions of the progressiveness of the American economy—has. continued” 3. Unemployment is greater now than during the Korean War but “in recent months has not been larger than during compar- able months in 1949 and 1950.” The President added that the rate of unemployment “has shown some tendency. to dimin- ish of late” and said “this is one of the numerous signs” of econo- mic improvement. 4 One reason for the criticism of the recent record is that ‘‘this

Tesla Recalls 200K Vehicles More Vehicles Are Recalled By G.M.
Associated Press News Wire Article published in the Decatur Daily Democrat
January 26, 2024 March 19, 1969
    Tesla is recalling nearly 200000 vehicles in the U.S. because the backup camera may not function while the car is in reverse. The recall covers certain Models Y S and X from the 2023 model year. All are equipped with “Full Self-Driving” computer 4.0 and run software version 2023.44.30 through 2023.44.30.6 or 2023.44.100. The company says in documents posted by the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration that software instability may prevent the camera image from showing images wh …

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    DETROIT (UPD — General Motors Corp. already in the biggest recall campaign— 49 million vehicles— for correction of possible safety defects— today began recalling 1133720 more cars trucks and buses for potential brake defects On Feb 26 GM began the task of finding the owners of 49 million cars and trucks so they could be checked for potentially defective exhaust systems and carburetors— the largest single recall in automaking history. Tuesday’s announcement of four related campaigns linked the death of a teen-ager in the crash of a school bus in Huntsville Ala last November to possible defective braking. Three other junior high school students were injured as the bus with 46 aboard careened out of control down a hill The National Highway Safety Bureau investigated the ac- cident and reported an examin ation of the master cylinder parts indicated a worn fitting could have led to a loss of hydraulic pressure and resulting brake failure. The examination also turned up evidence the bus had not been properly maintained and the brake linings on all four wheels were worn below the rivet heads which should have been noticed by persons main- taining the vehicle.

Eve The Robot Can Cook Clean And Guard Your Home Mechanical Housewife Does Nearly Everything
Kurt Knutsson, Cyberguy Report for the Fox News News Wire Article published in the Kenosha News
January 23, 2024 April 2, 1964
    Have you ever wished you had a helper who could do anything you asked such as cleaning cooking shopping tutoring or even guarding your house? Well now you can thanks to 1X the Norwegian company that created EVE the humanoid robot that can perform a range of tasks. The humanoid robot by the numbers EVE is an advanced humanoid robot that looks and mo …

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    The wife of the man who has invented a mechanical housewife laughed off the suggestion Wednesday that her husband’s robot may drive housewives from their homes. “I realize that the thought of a robot clanking around the house might horrify some women” said Mrs. Margaret Thring “But it shouldn’t. They should welcome the mechanism with outstretched arms and hymns of praise.” Why? “Because it will free women from so many of the dull repetitive back-breaking chores that can make their lives so dreary” she replied. The mechanical housewife — or Thring’s Thing — was invented by Dr. Meredith Thring professor of fuel technology and chemical engineering at Sheffield University. Among other things Thring’s Thing is designed to scrub floors clean carpets wash windows clean the bath wash and iron clothes set tables and make the beds — even change the sheets. The professor has made a small simplified model and he’s convinced a life-size real thing will become a reality. His difficulty so far: He can’t find a manufacturer wholl put up the money to get it into mass production. Itll take about $2800000 to make a robot that will sell for about $1400. The finished product would have an electronic memory that would store up a map of the owner’s house It would be equipped with supersensitive fingers that would recognize household objects. Electricity would furnish the power and the robot would even climb the stairs or go down to the basement and recharge itself when it was feeling run down. Neither the inventor nor his wife believes Thring’s Thing could be taught to cook. That takes imagination.

Could A Security Guard Shortage Be Solved With This Autonomous Security Robot? Violence Ups Demand For Guards
Kurt Knutsson, Cyberguy Report for the Fox News News Wire Article published in the Norwich Evening Sun
January 26, 2024 April 2, 1970
    Security guards are in high demand but low supply in the United States. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the security guard occupation is expected to grow by 6.3% in the next decade but many factors are discouraging people from pursuing this career. To address this challenge a company has developed an autonomous patrol robot that can navigate any terrain and perform various security tasks. The robot the Ascento Guard is designed to offset the lack of security guards and provide a solution to the shortage. With its advanced capabilities and versatility the Ascento Guard could potentially revolutionize the security industry and alleviate the burden on human security guards. By automating routine tasks and enhancing surveillance capabilities the robot can enhance security measures and ensure round-the-clock protection. While the Ascento Guard cannot completely replace human security guards it can complement their efforts and fill the gaps in coverage. This innovative solution could help address the security guard shortage and provide a more efficient and effective security system. …

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    Boib- ings demonstrations and other public violence have contributed to a rapid growth of some of the nation’s private security serv- ices in the past several years company officials say. ‘Unrest and vandalism are certainly part of it’’ said Wil. liam Linn vice president for ad. ministration of Pinkerton’s Inc. the largest such agency in the nation “When these things happen violence and the like there is « surge of interest in security” Linn said. ‘But there are other factors involved such as the normal growth of business’’ Linn estimated that Pinker. ton’s staff has grown 20 to 25 per cent over the past five years and now numbers about 27000 more than 20000 of whom are engaged in guard work In general private guards pa. trol halls and lobbies request identification of visitors and monitor closed-circuit television surveillance systems They are employed by corporations and other organizations such as pub. lic housing developments Some man reception desks while others cover beats outside buildings by motor vehicle or patrol on foot with a watehdog Many of the guards are for. mer public law enforcement of. ficers with wide experience in police work Although the guards are lh. censed to carry sidearimis ‘ost arrests that occur are made by regular police Up to several years ago the agency founded in 1849 was known 4s Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency Inc But the name was changed because the firm had taken on additional more diversified police func. tions. Linn estimated that roughly 2700 employes are now engaged in detective work. ‘‘All you have to do is read the papers’’ said David Goode a spokesman for Willium J Burns Internationa! Detective Agency Inc. in explaining the 25 per cent rise in the Burns’ staff to 29000 over the past few years Peter ONeil New York State manager of The Wackenhut Corp. said the firm numbered 13000 employes a 30 per cent increase over the past year “After a bombing in New York City’’ ONeil said ‘the phones are ringing off the walls from clients asking for addition. al coverage.’’ Spokesmen for several giant New York-based corporations that have been the targets of bombings said their secur ity precautions had been tightened in light of the recent violence in the city Mobil—a recent bomb target —would not give details but a visitor to the corporation’s sky. scraper headquarters wes stopped by an armed private guard © couch of 30 floors and asked both for identification and the pupose of his visit

She Fell Near An Icy Bus Stop In The City. She Likely Froze To Death Before Help Came. Give Aid To 2000 Families Chicago Charity Board Cares For Poverty Stricken Fatalities Mounting Great Numbers Treated For Frozen Limbs And Injuries
Sophie Carson, Elizabeth Weise And Dinah Voyles Pulver, Usa Today Network for the Usa Today News Wire Article published in the Syracuse Herald
January 25, 2024 January 8, 1929
    Its a story as tragic as it is shocking: A woman leaving work in Milwaukee slips on the ice at a bus stop and tries to call 911. But she loses consciousness on the sidewalk and surveillance footage appears to show someone stepping over her body and continuing to walk as numerous cars pass. Eventually a passerby sees her and calls 911. Jolene Waldref is then found frozen to death face down in a snowbank. Paramedics say they tried to revive her but couldnt. The medical examiner is investigating. …

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    Chicago Jan. 3 (UP).—Death and intense suffering were reported today from the Middle West and Northwest as zero weather seized these regions. Temperatures ranged from zero to 20 degrees below today causing more than a score of deaths. All records for this winter fell before the sub-zero ware which swept down from the Canadian Northwest two days ago. The lowest temperature reported was 24 degrees below at De Lake S. D. Forecasts by government weather officials however promised some relief within the next 24 hours. J. H. yd official of the Chicago area predicted the cold wave would move southward and that temperatures would rise slightly in the Great Lakes region and in the Northwest. Two deaths from freezing in Chicago were added today to the toll of 20 attributed to the cold wave in the em area since Saturday night. Chicagos death toll stood at six. The United Board of Charities here appealed for contributions to aid 2000 poverty-stricken families. Everywhere rescue missions reported many appeals for help for destitute families. The temperature in Chicago ranged from zero to eight and 10 degrees below but even more intense cold was prevalent in the Northwest. Among cities reporting extreme sub-zero temperatures were Moorhead Minn. 30; Duluth: 16; Green Bay Wis. 12; Madison Wis. 18; Ledges Parks Ill. 13; Rockford Ill. 14; Peoria Ill. 8 and Milwaukee 8. Greatest suffering was reported in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Relief agencies in Milwaukee and Madison reported they were besieged with requests for food and shelter. Upper Michigan apparently escaped the worst of the cold wave. In Iowa blizzards swept snow over railways and highways impeding traffic and communication. A welfare worker reported finding 400 families suffering in one west side section of Chicago and appealed to city authorities for help. Numerous persons were treated at hospitals for frozen limbs and injuries suffered falls on the ice.