She Needed An Abortion. In Post-Roe America It Took 21 People And Two States To Help Her. Hawaiian Contractor Has Abortion Alternative
Paola Mendoza for the Usa Today By William Helton Accaciatad Pracc Wreitar published in the Circleville Herald
June 24, 2024 June 5, 1972
    The ability to choose to and then have an abortion has changed the course of three generations of my family. It has been inextricably linked to my immigration story and foundational to my ability to become a mother. And last year I helped a teenager access an abortion who was living in a state without abortion access. She was part of my chosen family and was the reason friends and strangers in my life came together to confront the many challenges of navigating …

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    HONOLULU (AP) — Sandra is a pretty petite 15-year-old brunette with soft brown eyes and hair that flows over her shoulders to her waist. She lives in a five-bedroom ocean-front house on nearby Maui Island where she spends her time swimming camping and studying such school subjects as mathematics and sociology. Her doctor says she can expect her baby July 9. You get pregnant and everybody thinks of you in a different way—like youre dirty Sandra—not her real name— said in an interview My mother told me to have an abortion. The hospital told me to have an abortion But I didn’t want to kill my baby. For saving her baby Sandra credits the family of Robert J. Pearson a building contractor who lost his antiabortion fight in the state legislature when Hawaii became the first state to make abortion legal and available practically on request. In the first year after the law went into effect March 13 1970 there were 3643 abortions in Hawaii and unlike in New York there is no substantial movement here to repeal the law. But Pearson has continued his fight by inviting women contemplating abortion to travel to live and continue their educations at his 4.5-acre residence until they have their babies—all at no expense. Pearson and the antiabortion foundation he incorporated even pay for prenatal and delivery expenses. There are no obligations no strings attached. We just want to show the girls there are alternatives to having abortion Pearson said adding that the women learn of his home through doctors relatives and social agencies. Pearson estimates his fight has cost him personally some $20000 but he plans an even larger investment—a $200000 home accommodating 100 women. It will include recreation rooms and facilities for developing such skills as typing and shorthand as well as academic training—We want to help them get back on their feet he said. At the home which now can handle 20 girls Pearson provides a full-time nurse. Of the 80 women ranging in age from 14 to 36 who have lived with them Pearson says only one has decided to go through with an abortion a decision he says is left up to each girl. About 10 per cent of the girls keep their babies while the others put them up for adoption Pearson said. Sandra is in the latter group and plans to return alone to her mother and stepfather after having her baby.

Julian Assange Will Plead Guilty In Deal With Us And Be Freed From Prison Rays Plea Frustrates Justice Department
Alanna Durkin Richer, Eric Tucker for the Associated Press Ry Accociated Prece published in the St Joseph Herald Press
June 24, 2024 March 13, 1969
    WASHINGTON (AP) — WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will plead guilty to a felony charge in a deal with the U.S. Justice Department that will allow him to walk free and resolve a long-running legal saga that spanned multiple continents and centered on the publication of a trove of classified documents. Assange left a British prison on Monday and will appear later this week in the U.S. federal court in the Northern Mariana Islands …

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    James Earl Ray quoted as wishing now he had elected to stand trial for the Martin Luther King assassination was joined in his regrets today by the U.S. Justice Department. A source in the department said the feeling there over Ray’s abrupt guilty plea is one of frustration. The reason: a full-fledged trial had one been held might have shed light on questions which have led to widespread suspicion around the country that Ray was only one figure in a conspiracy. In Nashville the Nashville Tennessean said in a copyright story that Ray disclosed second thoughts about the guilty plea within hours of his sentencing in Memphis to an agreed 99 years in prison. Ray also has inquired about how he could hire a new attorney. The story said unidentified official sources quoted Ray as saying: When I went to court Monday I was convinced if I didn’t plead guilty I was going to the electric chair. I wish the hell I hadnt now because with what they had on me I believe the worst I’d gotten would have been life. Under Tennessee law a life prisoner could be eligible for parole after 13 years 7 months or even earlier if he earned maximum good behavior time. Under a 99-year sentence a prisoner must serve at least 30 years. The Tennessean said a prison source further quoted Ray: My attorney and my brother told me about six weeks ago that the best thing for me to do was to plead guilty if we could work out a deal to keep me out of the chair. They told me they thought this could be done. I was thinking about it and every day they thought I would plead guilty. Last week I just told them if they thought this was best and what I ought to do then I would plead guilty.

Boeing Ceo Apologizes To Relatives Of 737 Max Crash Victims Congress Turns Attention Today To Plane Crashes Senate Hearing Set To Seek Cause Of Recent Air Tragedies
David Koenig for the Associated Press News Wire Article published in the Dothan Eagle
June 18, 2024 January 14, 1947
    Boeing CEO David Calhoun defended the company’s safety record during a contentious Senate hearing Tuesday while lawmakers accused him of placing profits over safety failing to protect whistleblowers and even getting paid too much. Relatives of people who died in two crashes of Boeing 737 Max jetliners were in the room some holding photos of their loved ones to remind the CEO of the stakes. Calhoun began his remarks by standing turning to face the families and apologizing “for the grief t …

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    WASHINGTON (AP) — Commercial aviation today came under scrutiny of a congressional committee concerned lest recent plane crashes shake public confidence in flying. We have got to see if we can find out what the difficulty is said Chairman Brewster (R-Me) of the Senate commerce committee in announcing he has summoned the Civil Aeronautics Board to a committee hearing today. Both Brewster and Senator Capehart (R-Ind) committee member said a government air safety board might be proposed to take over crash investigation work now done by CAB. Committee work was all that was on todays schedule for the Senate which is in recess until Wednesday under its program of three sessions weekly. The House was to ratify formally Republican committee assignments okayed by GOP members in caucus yesterday. Democrats expect to finish their assignments Wednesday thus completing House organization. Republicans are taking 280 places on the 19 committees leaving 205 for Democrats. The Republican caucus formally approved the appointment of Rep. Arends of Illinois as whip. The nomination of Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt to the United Nations’ Human Rights Commission is among diplomatic appointments of President Truman up for consideration today by the Senate foreign relations committee. Senator Morse (R-Ore) differed sharply with his partys proposed labor policy asserting that perfecting the Wagner Act should come first. In a radio talk last night he asserted: If the Republicans continue their anti-labor policy and their fiscal policies which will lead to fiscal isolation they will lose both Congress and the White House in 1948—and they will give us the worst era of labor unrest in our country.

Amazon Fined $5.9M For Breaking Labor Law In California Courts To Punish Nra Violators Says A.F.L. President
Caroline O’Donovan for The Washington Post News Wire Article published in the Havre Daily News
June 18, 2024 September 6, 1933
    OSHA can pursue a corporate-wide settlement with employers that are repeat offenders as it did with Dollar Tree and Family Dollar in 2023 a deal that cost the company $1.35 million and followed six years of investigation and more than $15 million in fines. But it’s unclear whether the agency is pursuing that strategy with Amazon. The California law known as AB 701 was sponsored by Lorena Gonzalez (D) who was a union official before becoming a State Assembly member and has since returned to …

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    AKRON Ohio Sept. 5. (AP)— A resort to the courts for punishment of employers violating collective bargaining provisions of industrial codes today was promised workers by William Green president of the American Federation of Labor. In a Labor day appeal for support of the Roosevelt recovery program the federation leader said he was ‘‘confident that more than a million new members have joined us.” He described the NRA as opening “the door of opportunity for industry and labor.” Green spoke under the auspices of the Akron Central Labor union. He said “a new deal has been ‘accorded industry and labor.” “In all fairness” he said “‘industry could not expect to appropriate to itself the benefits of the national recovery act and deny to labor the benefits which were accorded it. If industry is permitted to organize and control business labor likewise must be permitted to organize for mutual helpfulness and protection. And labor that very thing. * * * “If an employer discriminates against employees who organize or discharges them because they organize he is guilty of violation of the code and is subject when convicted to the imposition of penalties provided for in the national recovery act. “It is the purpose and intent of the American Federation of Labor to protect workers in the exercise of their rights to organize and to invoke punishment through proper court procedure upon these employers who are charged with and found guilty of violating the law.

Could Microsofts Creepy Recall Ai Feature Become Potent Spy Tool For Crooks? Computers Tell Human Behavior
Kurt Knutsson, Cyberguy Report for the Fox News Ry Crank Carey published in the Hope Star
June 18, 2024 May 12, 1966
    Microsoft has announced a change in the rollout plan for the Recall preview feature on Copilot+ PCs. Instead of a broad preview release on June 18 2024 as initially planned Recall will first be made available to the Windows Insider Program in the coming weeks. By gathering feedback from Insiders Microsoft aims to refine the feature further before making it available to all Copilot+ PC users. Microsoft recently announced the Recall feature for Copilot+ PCs an AI tool capable of recording …

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    ATLANTIC CITY N.J. (AP) — Development appears feasible for electronic computers that would predict human behavior — including how people would vote in an election — a psychiatrist said today. The trick could be done if enough brain power — and money —were put into a “crash program designed to perfect data-feeding and other techniques needed to activate such robots declared Dr. Daniel Cappon of the University of Toronto. Such an achievement could advance psychiatry by half a century he said in a report to the 122nd annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. Cappon said he is convinced the goal is feasible on the basis of his own use of a computer for the past five years as an aid in psychiatric research. He said he has used it on such things as rapid calculation of experimental results and as a means of information storage and retrieval. And most recently in promising experiments aimed at translating entire psychiatric histories into a relatively simple “computer language.’ “There is no reason why he said ‘once data incorporating the life experience and mental state of persons — such as patients and controls — is put into computers this could not be subsequently tapped to answer questions about how people might behave under certain circumstances for example under conditions of stress of treatment or in casting a vote “If enough information is stored — and if the computer yields sufficient criteria to be subsequently reprogrammed it should be possible to ask computers on behalf of the population they represent to make decisions between alternate futures and thus enhance the predictability of human behavior.

This $112K Luxury Ev From China Can Shake And Jiggle Off Snow Giant Automaker Working On Battery-Powered Cars
Kurt Knutsson, Cyberguy Report for the Fox News News Wire Article published in the Muscatine Journal
June 19, 2024 September 17, 1966
    The electric vehicle (EV) market is heating up and Nio’s latest offering the ET9 is part of a growing trend of premium EVs. With a $112000 price tag it’s poised to take on the likes of Porsche and other luxury brands. But what makes the ET9 stand out in a crowded field? One of the ET9’s most talked-about features is its ability to shake off snow. This is thanks to an intelligent …

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    ANN ARBOR Mich - The president of Ford Motor Co. says the firm is developing a battery-powered system for automobiles that could eliminate the problem of air pollution from car exhausts. General Motors Corp. Chrysler Corp. and American Motors Corp. also are known to be working toward an electric power system or other means of propulsion. Fords Arjay R. Miller made his disclosure in a speech Thursday at the University of Michigan while discussing air pollution and its relation to todays gasoline-powered cars. Speaking of automobiles and their exhaust pollution Miller said at one point: The ideal answer to this problem would be development of a vehicle powered by a source that would not produce any emissions. The most promising candidate at present appears to be a battery-powered electric car. We now have in the early stages of development a new battery power system that we expect could offer tremendous improvements in range performance and cost. Eventually we hope it will lead to a practical emission-free vehicle for local transportation needs. Miller was unavailable to newsmen today but a Ford spokesman said it was safe to assume local transportation needs precluded use of battery power for long-distance trips in the next few years at least. The industry has been experimenting for years with electric power as an energy source for automobiles but power-to-weight ratio has proved a major handicap especially in development of a battery to provide quick acceleration.

Nhra Legend John Force Taken To Hospital After Funny Car Engine Explodes Bad Boy Of Racing Dies In Flaming Wreck Of Car
Steve Gardner, Usa Today for the Usa Today News Wire Article published in the Fergus Falls Daily Journal
June 23, 2024 August 31, 1959
    Funny car legend John Force was hospitalized Sunday after a fiery high-speed crash during the first round of eliminations at the NHRA Virginia Nationals. Force 75 had just won his heat with a 302 mph run at Virginia Motorsports Park when his engine exploded in a massive fireball. The car veered left into the opposite wall crashing and then careening back across the track into the right wall. Force was able to escape the flames and climb to safety before getting in an ambulance. …

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    MILWAUKEE Wis. — Speedway bad boy Ed Elisian suspended last year as the trigger man in a 16-car fatal crash at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway died screaming Sunday in the flames of his green racing car. Elisian 32 from Oakland Cal returned to the tracks only last June 7 making his first start in a 100-mile big car race at the Wisconsin fair grounds scene of Sundays wreck. Elisian’s car traveling at an estimated 130 miles an hour skidded on an oil slick crashed into the wall overturned and burst into flames. The car rode the retaining wall 200 feet then flipped upside down on the one-mile paved track. Elisian waved his arms and screamed as he tried to free himself from his burning car. The wreck came on the 28th lap of the 200-mile national championship race won by Rodger Ward of Indianapolis. The race was the feature of the final day of the 1959 Wisconsin State Fair and drew 21856 spectators. Elisian had been racing nine years. A bachelor Elisian raced into controversy in the 1958 500-mile race at Indianapolis after setting a single lap qualifying record for the Memorial Day classic. On the first lap of the race 16 cars were involved in a splintering crash which killed Pat OConnor of North Vernon Ind. Elisian later was set down for one year “for conduct detrimental to racing.” The suspension involved the Indianapolis wreck bad checks and speeding off the tracks

Parents Accused Of Leaving Infant Unattended On Shore While Boating In New York 27-Year-Old Mother Admits Drowning Infant Daughter
Saman Shafiq, Usa Today for the Usa Today News Wire Article published in the Towanda Daily Review
June 21, 2024 August 27, 1954
    A man and a woman were arrested in New Yorks Lake George area after police said they left their child unattended while they went boating in the lake. The father age 30 and mother age 28 from Pennsylvania were arrested Tuesday by the State Police of Queensbury for endangering the welfare of a child. State Police in a news release said that troopers responded to reports of an infant left unattended on the beach shortly before 5:50 p.m. Tuesday. A passerby had heard the child present …

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    BRAINERD Minn. Aug. 26 - Im going to stick by her no matter what happens a bewildered young father said today after his wife admitted throwing their six-weeks-old daughter into a lake where the family had gone for picnics. Mrs. Archie Sanders 27 who told authorities late Wednesday a bad man had taken little Janet Purh admitted early today she waded into Pelican Lake near her home and threw the baby as far as I could. The body was found soon after the mother’s confession. Mrs. Sanders a Sunday School worker was under doctor’s care for shock at a hospital here today and could not be questioned further. No charges have been filed. Sanders 28 a carpenter wiped tears from his eyes as he returned to his small rural home around noon. He was greeted at the gate by tail-wagging Penny the Sanders’ mongrel pup. As he stood at the side of the baby’s empty crib and took a fuzzy brown teddy bear from the shelf Sanders said: She has always been such a good mother and wife. She was so kind to the youngsters she didn’t even want to spank them. She always had the house spic and span when I came home at night. She just couldn’t have been in her right mind when she did that to the baby. Just four days ago she told me she was afraid she was going to have a nervous breakdown. She said she just knew something was going to happen. At the hospital this morning she kept asking me Are they going to doctor my mind?

Cartels Offering Pricey Vip Package For Migrants Trying To Get Into Us Aliens Smuggled Into U.S.
Steve Fisher And Alfredo Corchado, Usa Today for the Usa Today News Wire Article published in the Fairfield Ledger
June 20, 2024 June 6, 1970
    Steve Fisher and Alfredo Corchado For USA TODAY CIUDAD JUÁREZ Mexico − The tunnel is dark and narrow. Toxic gases rise from the dank water. Insects scurry along the sides rattlesnakes wait coiled. Rodents lurk along the water’s edge. Yet this drainage network that reaches from Ciudad Juárez into El Paso Texas is one of the most sought-after routes for patrons of a VIP migration package offered by Mexican cartels to those with the money to pay for it. The tunnel route costs at least $6 …

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    SAN DIEGO Calif. (AP) — Thousands of Mexican nationals are being smuggled into California in a lucrative and lethal trade that operates despite federal lawmen with electronic eyes and stiff court penalties. The Mexicans lured by better paying jobs are crossing the border illegally by foot car truck plane and boat. The U.S. border patrol arrested 63933 deportable aliens in California last year. At the Chula Vista sector south of here the number of deportable aliens nabbed jumped from 4377 in 1963 to 41597 last year. It can be a deadly experience for the alien. Weve had about a dozen deaths since the first of the year involving illegal aliens U.S. Atty. Harry Steward said. Five Mexicans were killed early Friday when a truck being pursued by Border Patrol officers crashed near Descanso in southeastern San Diego County. Another alien was shot recently when he ran from guards at the Camp Pendleton Marine Base. Others have died of exposure or falls from cliffs while trying to hike over mountains and deserts of southeastern California. I don’t know of any crime killing as many people around San Diego Steward said. And many aliens are found near death from suffocation in trunks of cars. Border patrolmen said a major smuggler may make $1 million a year. We prosecuted a $300000-a-year operation last year said Steward whose district covers the border counties of San Diego and Imperial. They come to get jobs at farms factories restaurants hotels and in homes as domestic workers. Most go back to Mexico after they’ve earned some money. If caught a smuggler faces five years in prison and $5000 fine for each alien involved.