24 Things We Think Will Happen In 2024 Jeane Dixon’S Midyear Predictions Disclosed
Bryan Walsh And Others for the Vox By Jeane Dixon published in the Biloxi Daily Herald
January 1, 2024 June 9, 1969
    It was either the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Niels Bohr or Hall of Fame New York Yankees catcher Yogi Berra (or quite possibly neither of them) who coined the phrase: “Predictions are hard to make especially about the future.” Nonetheless for the fifth year in a row the staff of Future Perfect will venture its best estimations of what major news events will or won’t take place in 2024. Will Donald Trump return to the White House? Will OpenAI release ChatGPT-5? Will antibiotic sales for …

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    Wherever I speak the question is asked over and over— what about Vietnam? I see that hastening the training and equipping of the South Vietnamese forces and supplying them with enough conventional arms will solve our problem in large degree. We can then begin to withdraw our soldiers and let the South Vietnamese fight and win their war against the communists. But I see that President Nixon is being advised— foolishly—against taking such a course. The President will keep trying for successful peace negotiations to end the war. However Russia will keep bringing up major issues or causing them so as to discredit our country all it can. The U.S.S.R. may even have temporary success with such tactics. President Nixon will come up with a surprising solution to a very important matter and I see that it is advisable for him to rely on his own judgment and not be unduly influenced by some advisors. I get that he need not seek moral support to forge ahead in his decision. . . this is important. The people in America and elsewhere will not understand the decision but the future will prove it to be a wise one. His progress will be slow but sure. I see danger now—unless our President properly guides the United States foreign policy we can expect turmoil and rebellion in the midst of affluency. This situation could only lead to repressive measures which in the end could seriously affect our precious and singular freedom. The President is not misled by certain advisors who tell him that the present Soviet leadership is weak divided and confused. He knows it is not. I get harmonious emanations from the very core of Soviet committees showing strong united politically active leadership: with gradually progressing plans to divide our leadership and people. I see a greater influx of foreign money coming into America than ever before—to finance student riots and race riots. The organizational geniuses of the U.S.S.R. are stepping up the momentum. More agitation rioting and violence all keyed to their master plan to “divide and conquer.” I get telepathically that Secretary of Defense Laird wants to keep the public advised as much as possible—to erase the so-called “credibility gap” born during the last administration. The Secretary will soon advise the public that our reconnaissance plane was shot down by North Korea because our plane was interfering somehow with secret Russian underwater electronic weapons. I feel that the shot which actually downed the plane came from the ocean’s surface—probably from a ship—and that there was at least one survivor. In the instant that I “saw” the explosion I also saw a number on a gun—it looked like the figure 37. I feel that women some women will push for what they term “equality” and will go all-out to succeed. One woman in particular will push long and hard and with such assurance that she will become our first woman president in the United States. This could and will happen in the not too distant future; timing is difficult to get but I feel it will surely be in the 1980’s. Ethel Kennedy whom I greatly admire will remarry. Her bridegroom is someone she has known for a while. However she will always be a member of the “Kennedy clan” because of her children and because she will remain active in the facets of the universe as she did when Senator Kennedy was alive. I feel the Kennedy machinations stronger than ever. Senator Edward Kennedy will get the 1972 Democratic presidential nomination; however there are potent dangerous vibrations around him which could alter the course of his life. Sen Kennedy in attempting to run for President in 1972 is reaching ahead of his natural timing. And while charisma and financial power both of which he has in full measure are very important still there is for each of us on this earth a timing—originated and guided by a power greater than all telling. Going against this timing is not wise. I see the good senator a bit premature in his bid for the presidency in 1972. The most startling news of the year I feel will be during the month of August. FOREIGN AFFAIRS ENGLAND — England will probably have a general election in the near future. There will be changes in the top echelon of the government changes which in my interpretation can only result from a general election. A person of prominence in England will pass from the picture and will be nationally mourned. Great Britain will be called upon this year to increase her military activities because of an international crisis which will also cause much confusion and talk in our own country. This crisis and resulting confusion will cause indecision on a matter of grave international proportions and will be recorded in the annals of history. I see many many changes

Nostradamus’ 2024 Predictions Revealed — Brace Yourself For More War And Famine These Gloomy Prophets Are Never Right
Alexandra Klausner for the New York Post News Wire Article published in the Dubuque Telegraph Herald And Times Journal
December 12, 2023 October 20, 1931
    Nostradamus a 16th-century French astrologer known as “the prophet of doom” has a few foreboding predictions for 2024. According to his 1555 text “Les Propheties” (“The Prophecies”) this year brings continued global strife including war on the seas royal turmoil and humanitarian disaster. His vision of the future is laid out in 942 poetic verses called quatrains and while his writings are somewhat vague he has been credited with foreseeing the rise of Adolf Hitler the assassination of …

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    “They were all wrong!” is the heading over a handbill reviewing gloomy prophe- cies of other days being distributed in London. Here they are: William Pitt said: “There is scarcely anything around us but ruin and despair.” Wilberforce in the early 1800s said: “I dare not marry the future is so dark and unsettled.” Lord Grey in 1819 said he believ- ed “everything is tending to a con- vulsion.” The Duke of Wellington on the eve of his death in 1851 thanked God he would “be spared from seeing the consummation of ruin that is gath- ering about us.” Disraeli (1849): “In industry commerce and agriculture there is no hope.” Queen Adelaide said she “had only on> desire to play the part of Marie Antoinette with bravery in the revo- lution that was coming on England.” Lord Shaftsbury (1848): “Nothing can save the British empire from shipwreck.” But concludes the circular .“We came through all right and shall do so again.”