Ready For Some Robo-Relaxation At The Gym Or Your Next Hotel Stay? Robot Wife? But Does It Click Or Cluck?
Kurt Knutsson, Cyberguy Report for the Fox News Ry Associated Pracc published in the Salt Lake Tribune
August 6, 2024 September 22, 1962
    Imagine this scenario. Youve just finished a grueling workout at the gym or checked into a swanky hotel. Your muscles are aching and all you want is a good massage. But instead of booking a session with a human masseuse youre directed to a high-tech pod that promises to knead away your stress using artificial intelligence. Welcome to the future of massage therapy. This trend isnt happening in a vacuum. The wellness tourism market is booming and is expected to hit a whopping $1.2 trillion …

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    LONDON Sept. 21—A British scientist predicted Friday that man will one day invent a robot that will do all of womans tiresome housework. He is Prof. Meredith Thring of Sheffield University who is married and has three children. We have gone no further than the half-way stage in the industrial revolution he said in an interview. This has led a number of inventors to seriously look into the possibility of making a fool-proof 100 per cent robot housewife. Mentioning vacuum cleaners washing machines floor polishers and automatic dishwashers he said: Yet the average British housewife of 1962 works harder than her Victorian counterpart. She works so hard that her husband often feels compelled to help her. Thring a professor of chemical engineering said it’s too early to discuss how far he’s gotten with the project but he visualizes a robot about the size of a small woman—a machine that could be rigged to make beds set tables and do cleaning chores. It would be able to get around the house including going up and down stairs by itself he explained. It would have a built-in computer and memory. It could be trained to know the geography of a house. Thring said that the ideal automatic housewife would take into consideration small children — even babies crawling about a room–and wouldnt interfere with them or be bothered by them. There’s one gimmick. He said it would take about 10 years to develop at a cost of $2.8 million.

How To Optimize Your Sleep With Your Apple Watch New Findings On How To Sleep Best Reported
Kurt Knutsson, Cyberguy Report for the Fox News News Wire Article published in the Bluefield Daily Telegraph
August 8, 2024 September 6, 1929
    Feeling groggy in the morning? Wondering if youre getting enough shut-eye? Your Apple Watch might have the answers youre looking for. With the built-in sleep app you can easily track your sleep patterns right from your wrist. Its a great way to get insights into how much rest youre actually getting and the quality of your sleep. Heres why you might want to give it a try. …

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    New Haven Conn. Sept. 5 - New findings on how to sleep best were reported at a symposium on sleep at the ninth international congress of psychology today. To curl like a kitten seems to give the greatest possible relaxation. Sleeping like a log may be a bad sign a warning of overstrain. When sleep refuses to come it is probably the muscles that bar the sandmans arrival. Prevailing conceptions of sleep were heavily shaken by the findings presented by ten investigators said H. M. of Mellon institute Pittsburgh chairman of the symposium in summing up. He showed motion pictures taken at the institute. These pictures indicate that the greatest possible relaxation is in a coil much like a kittens and in a sprawling posture resembling that of a swimmer. A bed that is too narrow or badly designed simply limits the number of postures that are favored. The pictures disclose that a typical sleeper on a typical night lies in nine different postures in 1-3 hours. He shifts from one to another 33 times remaining quiet for periods of 2 to 56 minutes the average being 15 minutes. All postures that are held for a very long time are greatly contorted the most striking feature being that they are awkward and twisted quite at variance from recommendations of the doctors. About half the time is spent in postures that are mirror images of others that is they are designed to rest parts which were under some slight strain during the opposite posture. Dr. Coleman R. Griffith University of Illinois found college athletes distinguished members of Illinois football basketball and track teams of the past two years—about one-third more restless than an unselected college group. They were however about one-third quieter than young children. The wives of middle aged men were found by the Simmons investigators at Mellon institute to be about as restless as athletes. The middle aged men engaged in professional work were a little more restless than the athletes but not as much as young children. After a hard game of football Dr Griffith observed the athletes were more restless than usual and that sometimes they slept less after a game.

James Webb Telescope Reveals Mystery About The Energy Surrounding A Black Hole ‘Holes’ In Space’?
Cybele Mayes-Osterman, Usa Today for the Usa Today News Wire Article published in the Anniston Star
August 8, 2024 November 25, 1973
    A team of scientists used the James Webb Space Telescope to peer through the veil of dust surrounding a faraway supermassive black hole revealing that energy around the hole comes from jets of gas colliding together at near light speed. The Webb telescope the most powerful ever targeted the giant black hole at the center of a galaxy known as ESO 428-G14 about 70 million light-years away according to As with our home galaxy the Milky Way a supermassive black hole sits at its center. …

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    WASHINGTON (AP) — Three teams of scientists report firm evidence on the revolutionary theory that distant space contains ‘black holes.”’ Black holes are believed to be invisible collapsed stars so dense that a spoonful of material from them would weigh more than a billion tons. Nothing not even light is believed to escape from them. Matter coming near them is believed to be sucked into them with great force. Two Princeton University scientists theorized the existence of black holes in 1971 and astronomers have been eagerly hunting for the first definite example of one. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration on Saturday released a report by a team of scientists from University College London which assembled data from NASAs Orbiting Astronomical Observatory. The scientists said the X-ray equipment some 400 miles above earth had detected evidence of the black hole in a double star system Cygnus X1 more than 8000 light years away. The same discovery was reported by two teams of University of California astronomers working independently at Lick Observatory near San Jose Calif. Their results were published in the current Astrophysical Journal. The existence of Cygnus X-1 was detected in 1965 only because it emits intense X-rays representing a million times more energy than the total energy output of the sun. The newly reported evidence portrays this strange star as a kind of invisible but inseparable companion to a visible super-giant star called “HDE-226868. The British scientists concluded that Cygnus X-1 may be a black hole because it appears to be gobbling up extremely hot clouds of gas given off by its larger neighbor. The California astronomers said the issue was whether the visible star was really as big as it seemed. Only if this could be proven would it be reasonable to assume its partner was a black hole.

Fan Removed From Arena After Unfurling Flag At Lin Yu-Ting Fight Ninth Olympiad Opens Amidst Controversy
Josh Peter, Usa Today for the Usa Today (By Associatec? Prace) published in the Kalispell Daily Inter Lake
August 10, 2024 July 28, 1928
    PARIS − A spectator holding a flag promoting independence for Taiwan from China was removed from the seating area at Roland Garros-Stadium Saturday night. The incident took place as Taiwanese boxer Lin Yu-Ting was getting ready to receive a gold medal for winning the women’s featherweight division. The spectator a woman refused to give up the flag as she was pulled out of view by what appeared to be stadium security. Earlier the woman appeared to strike an employee in the head with a small flag. …

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    Amsterdam July 28. With flags flying in the cool breezes under overcast skies and with 40000 visitors jamming the great elliptical amphitheater the ninth Olympiad was formally opened this afternoon in a spectacular ceremony. The sun broke through for a few minutes as the chorus of 12000 sang the Dutch national anthem from a location across the field from the official tribune. The parade of the national athletic arrays immediately following the opening gestures aroused spontaneous enthusiasm in the stands each contingent stopping to salute before the prince consorts royal box. An international controversy growing out of a French official being punched by a Dutch stadium gatekeeper fell like a bombshell in the midst of the spectacular Olympiad opening. The entire French delegation withdrew from the opening parade and failed to take the Olympic oath the situation reaching diplomatic proportions when Franz Reichel secretary of the French Olympic committee told The Associated Press he would consult the French ambassador on a decision as to whether to compete in the games. The steadfast Dutch contention that Its all due to bad weather is not supported by Reichels formal statement of the difficulties involving the use of the stadium by the French team. On Friday a guard at the stadium without provocation struck Paul Mericamp general secretary of the French athletic federation and a member of the Olympic committee with his fist and the French general secretary requested that the guard be removed which was agreed to together with other reparations with the sole reservation that an administrative order would be issued there and then after an investigation. The Dutch-French controversy over the alleged insulting and punching of a French official by a Dutch stadium gatekeeper closed today as suddenly as it had developed. The French accepted a formal Dutch apology took the special Olympic oath and decided to compete in the games beginning tomorrow.